Thursday 27 February 2020

Don't fight to stay in this place ...

So many people … family, friends, readers of the blog … don't understand my complete lack of attachment to any of the homes I've lived in, it's hard to explain if you don't feel the same as I do.

We've lived in six different homes in six different parts of the UK in our sixteen years together, and before that I lived in a couple on my own and before that, seven with my first husband.  Each one has been improved by me living there, even when I had no money I scrubbed and cleaned and made them better in every way I could.

But I never felt the pull to stay in any of them.  I never put  down the roots that so many people talk about.  I do feel a pull to go back to the Van and today is the day I return, but to be honest it could be any caravan.  

Maybe I feel more of a pull to the area it's in.

I'm good at making anywhere I'm given to live a good place to live.  I can make friends, chat to strangers, make a home out of virtually nothing, learn about the building I'm in and how it functions and make do with the bare bones of living.  The only thing that pulls me up short and confuses my head is excess.  Too many rooms, too many choices, too much stuff, all of them make me breathe in sharply and look for an escape route.

I feel the need to escape a lot.

I just thought I would put this out there for you to digest, while I travel from one country to the next and return to my simple life.  

My heart tells me I belong there … and you should always listen to your heart

Oh, but I'll be driving a car, with clothes on … not hitchhiking naked!! 

Sue xx


  1. I've spent the last few weeks living in a tiny campervan in Spain. This small space has widened my horizons, my back garden is huge and the views can change daily. I feel free.
    I understand what you are saying Sue.

    1. How lovely, we would love to do the same in France in a few years.

  2. Hope the weather is kind for your move Sue/

  3. I understand what you are saying too. I have lived in 6 places with my first husband and 7 with my 2nd husband. It took me moving 6 times to actually admit that it wasn't the houses that I was unhappy with. I know that where ever I live with my 2nd husband things will be ok. I could happily live in a caravan too. I hate having too much stuff. Good job, haha as we now live in a 1bedroom retirement complex (I'm 71 ) which leaves plenty of free time to enjoy ourselves. In the past my husband was on dialysis before eventually getting a transplant. Puts things in perspective. Good luck with the move.

  4. I'm so happy for you that you will be back at the van. Enjoy the peace.

  5. I understand as well. As a kid, I lived in five different dwellings and places and went to four different schools. I'm glad you enjoy the van,

  6. I understand that, for far too many reasons that I could possibly put in a blog comment 😉, but I'm delighted to hear you are heading back to the van.

  7. I've lived in numerous houses and none have made me very happy. Perhaps moving and attempting to make the house different is really a cover for an unhappy not you! I know you aren't daunted by your own company in the van. I hope the weather improves for you.

  8. Walls don't make a home it's what and whom you fill it with and it has to be your happy place. I bet that hitch hiker didn't have to wait long for a lift ! If it was me hitch hiking naked they'd all say " You'll never get all that in my car love " !!!

  9. That is exactly the way I see homes (20 times in 20 years). It's rather freeing. We've settled for now (2 small children anchor one so), but I look forward to the next move when they are a little older. I love you Van life posts; there's a tangible feel of freedom and catharsis in them.

  10. My daughter is about to move into her new home - her fourteenth since leaving home fifteen years ago. University, jobs, partner's jobs, landlords deciding to sell and a marriage break up have contributed to this. Only once has she actually decided to sell and buy somewhere else. However, she is settled with a new partner, living close to a job which she sees as long term and finally sees this new home as a permanent one. I moved a bit when my children were small (my son lived in 4 houses by his 5th birthday) but have been in my current home for 21 years. n

  11. I did think about you this weekend Sue, as we open the doors at our campsite (work not ours!) we are behind with groundworks but thankfully still very quiet so we can get up to speed. February went by in a flash for us, but so glad you are back where you feel happy. I have not missed having a house, and even the things I do occasionally miss disappear in a flash when we are back on the road and travelling.

  12. When we first married we lived in what we call here in Canada a mobile home. Think a very large 3 bedroom caravan. It followed us to two more lots in different towns.

    I am glad you are heading back to the place you feel happiest.

    God bless.

    1. Yes 'the Van' is what you would call a mobile home, still called that by some people here, but usually called a caravan, or 'static caravan' to distinguish it from the smaller caravans that are towed behind cars. Static caravans are usually brought to their resting place by truck and sitting on a flatbed trailer, their wheels are only good for manoeuvring them short distances.

      I called it 'the Van' - with a big V to distinguish it from the touring/towing caravan we used to own and which was towed by our truck which is a Mitsubishi 4X4. It's name has just stuck even though we no longer own the tourer.

      My Van has two bedrooms, although I wish wholeheartedly it only had one ... I am very tempted to take a wall out!!

      There … it's as clear as mud ;-)


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