Monday 19 April 2021

A Sign of the Times


It's a sign of the times for sure when your new birthday present bag comes complete with a free face mask!! 

 I had to smile, it's just so ... Covid  😎

I went out for a mooch around the charity shops after completing a blog post over on the other blog, it should have been done last night for publishing first thing this morning but as usual was left until the last minute.  Have you ever noticed that when you have money to spend and the will to spend it the offerings at all the local charity shops are zero, zilch, nothing.  I came home with four cushion covers and a little vase that just called out to me.  I doubt it will ever hold flowers but it was just something about the shape and texture that appealed.

It's a bit of a strange day, my birthday always is, I'm extremely phone phobic, I will walk miles to tell someone something rather than ring them, and this is the one day when everyone feels they should phone you, I end up being all sweetness and light on the phone and then once they've gone yelling at my phone ... 'JUST LEAVE ME ALONE'.  Then I feel guilty and end up in tears.

It's not a normal response I know ... but then did I ever say I was normal?  If you thought I did then you were sadly misinformed.

I have nothing left to say I am all talked and cried out ... oh and I don't want sympathy just say Happy Birthday and go on your way  😉

Sue xx


  1. Happy Birthday, I understand exactly what you are feeling as there is such an expectation around celebrations. I dislike christmas and would give anything to run away and hide in a remote cottage somewhere where nobody would know where I was each year. Luckily now that the adult kids have families of their own I do not have to participate. I jump every time the phone rings/ hate the things.

  2. Sounds normal to me. JUST LEAVE ME ALONE could be my life mantra, often shouted/ silently thought when the phone rings or there's a knock at the door! 😆 🤣 😂 I know what you mean about money/ability to spend/nowt to spend it on!! Our house is sold, money in the bank, nothing we like on Rightmove! Ideally I'd like a house with moat and drawbridge! Anyway,Happy Birthdayand now I'm gone, on my way. 😆 🤣 😂

  3. Happy Birthday.
    I have said 'leave me alone' many times after trying to be polite on the phone. :)
    Sounds I'm in the right club!

  4. Happy Birthday. Sounds like a glass of wine would make those irritating phone calls easier to deal with!!

  5. Happy B-day! My position regarding phones is: The phone is for the owner's convenience. However we choose to use it is our choice. For me, I let most calls to the answering system. I call back if and when I choose. Most people simply send me an email knowing I prefer it. As an aside, it appears to me that people love their i-phones and want to be in contact all the time. I do not want to be in touch all the time and do not give out my phone number. Odd. Yes, that's me.

    1. I too, usually completely disregard my phone if I'm not in the mood to talk, but when it's my birthday and it's family calling I know they will try over and over again to speak to me ... even if I do get grumpy, so I just bite the bullet and answer ;-)

  6. A very quick Happy Birthday, then rushing off before you shout at me!

  7. Actually my choice of phrase is often BOG OFF!! when I get stupid sales calls or scam messages so you are not alone!
    Happy Birthday! Now I'll go....😉 x

  8. Happy birthday Sue, I love the bag....brilliant.

  9. HAPPY BIRTHDAY and I Love THAT Bag!!!

  10. Happy Birthday --- off I go :)

  11. Happy Birthday Sue! Enjoy your day your way!

  12. Happy birthday! That's all from me! (P.s. I know the feeling well).

  13. I hope you had a wonderful day despite the phone. Happy Birthday!

  14. Happy Birthday! Bye!

    ps - I just don’t answer the phone :)

  15. Happy birthday. I would have called but I didn't want to get yelled at. 😃

  16. Happy birthday.🎉🎉🎉🎂🎂🎂🎂

  17. Happy Birthday Sue. Do it YOUR WAY - it's your life! We did away with our landline as 95% of the calls were scams. And I on'y take calls from numbers in my system, so I know who I'm talking to. I'm quite deaf, and as a result I often leave it to my husband to speak to tradespeople on the phone. I much prefer the written word... text or email.

    1. Yep, us too, we have not had a landline since we left Berkshire, so that's over ten years now. It's so much easier without one isn't it.

  18. Happy Birthday....

    God bless.

  19. Happy birthday from one phone call phobic to another!:)

  20. I thought I had sent my comment - obviously not. Happy Birthday, Sue, and much love.
    Lovely bag and definitely a sigh of the times!
    (and I totally get the phone thing - I refuse to use mine except in the direst emergency. Fortunately, I have lovely 'children' who help out when really necessary)

  21. Happy Birthday to you, sorry it's a day late.

  22. Happy Belated birthday wishes Sue. I don't think there is any such thing as normal we are all just unique. Birthdays are strange days and I always feel a little sad on mine for some reason. I can't face a lot of things any more, even nice things like hair appointments, don't like any appointments, just want to be left alone (I would make a very good recluse). So off I pop now to.

  23. Got rid of landline last year as it racked up a maintenance bill and was never used anymore.
    I like the control of a smart phone. I can see who's calling and decide if I want to speak to them!


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