Tuesday 6 April 2021

How Much ...


How much is that pussy in the window, the one with the waggle-y tail.

Ginger is getting much braver here at the flat now, he's just started jumping up onto the window sills himself and actually watching people and their dogs go past.  Previously he had to be placed on the window sill and would jump down whenever he saw anything go past.

It must be a strange place to be for a cat used to living far from other people and having five acres of his own to explore, but luckily he's a laid back cat and is taking it all in his stride.   I do think he's missing his cat-flap though, a new one has already been purchased and will be installed on Alan's kitchen door as soon as we move into the new places and then once again Ginger will be free to roam and be a inside/outside cat again with his own little patch to patrol.

In the meantime he sits looking very cute, and dashes out of the front door whenever we open it for a quick sniff around the cars and the immediate vicinity.

Here's a lovely little ear-worm for you  ;-)

Sue xx


  1. Awwww... Ginger is a beauty!!! ~Andrea xoxo

  2. I love seeing pictures of Ginger. She is a beautiful cat!

    1. He thanks you very much, but last time he checked he was definitely a boy 🐈😄

    2. Oops, sorry! He is a handsome cat and I do love seeing him!

  3. Ginger looks quite composed and at home now. However I am sure he will be happy to have a bit of space to roam.

    God bless.

  4. That takes me back - Children's favourites and the like. Ginger is lovely and I'm glad he will have his own domain soon.

  5. Another fan of Ginger, he is such a beautiful boy♥ xx


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