Saturday 9 July 2022

Good Eyesight, Labels and Figs


Someone asked me about the brass label on my little Veggie Bed, gosh you have got good eyesight!!

  Nope, it's not the manufacturers label it's a little plaque I had made by Rich at 'By Bike and Boat'.  I've followed him and his full-time narrow boating family for quite a while now and we have a few of his handmade, recycled things.  They also have a YouTube channel.

I went out to take a closer photo of it to put on here, and found it all tarnished.  I'm not surprised after all the bad weather we've had over the past couple of months.

It looked nothing like the wonderfully shiny label that arrived back in February with a hand-written note and wrapped in a page of the Canal Boat News.

Here are the words for you to see clearly.

So I went straight back in and raided my sachet stash for a sachet of brown sauce to give it a good clean up.  And five minutes later ...

... it was looking much better.

I was supposed to be looking for some brass screws to replace these temporary silver coloured ones ... something else I had forgotten to do.

I did a bit of weeding and had a tidy up of the garden while I was out there, just for posterity as we are having a bit of a rejig of the stony area today as the new Woodblocx raised bed parts have arrived now.  I can hear movement outside so Alan is obviously unpacking the pallet.

These will be staying, but will be moving over a little bit to make way for the new bed along the fence line.

And beautiful Mr Fig will be staying exactly where he is.  

He loves it there, but seems to be spending this year putting on lots of new leaf growth instead of any fruits ... much to Alan's dismay!

I'll take some more photos once the new bed is in place, but I'm sure you can imagine it ... it's just a slightly longer version of the veggie bed I already have.

Hopefully we'll get a bit of sunshine this weekend as it's been a much cooler week here this past week, there's been none of the sunshine that I've been reading about on blogs or seeing on the weather forecast on television.  😕

Have a great weekend everyone.

Sue xx


  1. Your garden is looking so lovely (not envious of how beautifully tidy it is and the lack of weeds, no, not envious at all ! 😢🤢 )

    1. It's so small it literally takes me 5 minutes once a week to keep the weeds under control or I tend to just pluck them out as I'm watering if I see any..

  2. My fig is all foliage and no fruits too!

    1. We all seem to be having the same problem, it's obviously NOT a good year for Figs :-(

  3. My fig is neither foliage or fruit. I though it was dead after being caught in a late frost or several but no - there are some tiny little leaves emerging but it was such a nice shape last year and now it is stunted and distorted. I'm quite upset but let's see how it comes on over the next few years. Sometimes one just has to take a longer term view and patience is the name of the game - and winter fleece!
    Your garden space looks beautiful. Really lovely. I love the plaque. xx

    1. Obviously Figs are not enjoying the strange weather this year.

  4. My figs not doing well either. No fruit and it’s starting to lose its leaves too. Looks like we’re all having issues. Your garden looks lovely!

    1. I hope ours hangs on to it's leaves!!

  5. what a lovely garden, I'm hankering after a fig tree but as yet haven't found one locally. Thanks for the link to Rich's youtube, I am always after interesting VLOGS to watch.

    1. Rich is more active on Facebook if you're on there. He does a lot of live streams on there.

  6. I love your copper plaque, didn't know about the brown sauce trick, so thank you! That tip will come in useful!
    We visited our local plant nursery yesterday where they have a gorgeous fig usually lush and bursting with figs. I counted 4 fruit this year so it must be a common problem 🤔
    Your garden is beautiful.

    1. It works really well on things that you can't take off and soak in Coca Cola. I just used one of the sachet that I had picked up in a café, as I really don't like brown sauce so don't have any in my cupboard.

  7. Lovely garden and I like to buy handmade items when I can. Your plaque has clened beautifully with the brown sauce. Catriona

    1. I do like to support small businesses, especially as I used to be one myself. :-)

  8. Thanks for the narrowboat link - we lived on a narrowboat for over a year - quite a few years ago now - but I still love all things canal and river based
    Alison in Wales x

    1. I follow a lot of narrow boaters on You Tube now. My favourite is 'Holly - The Café Boat', they are a lovely little family.

  9. What a lovely garden. The fig tree has grown so much.

    God bless.

    1. It really has. At the start of the year it had over 10 little figs on it and we thought we were going to get a good crop, then one by one they all dropped off ... but the leaves are beautiful.


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