Saturday 2 July 2022

My Order ... and a Crisp Bag


My VeganKind order came yesterday, brilliantly quick service as I only ordered it on Wednesday afternoon.  I'm finding that things ordered online are being despatched and arriving super quickly.  

A sad indication that due to financial constraints I guess,  that less people are putting in orders for things at the moment no matter what the company is.  My new raised bed component parts were despatched from the warehouse within a couple of hours of my putting in the order yesterday ... that's something for us to assemble next week most likely.  

Anyway if you want to nip over to YouTube and see the goodies that I ordered this time I filmed myself un-boxing it.  Gosh what a totally different sort of box to the one I filmed myself unpacking last time!!

Thanks to me eating or donating all the last lot of goodies that I ordered just before Christmas, there was plenty of room to put everything away immediately

Goodies into the now named Goody Tin. 

One tree planted.

And now I'll let you into the secret of my lovely shopping bag hung on the coat rack ... it's my crisp bag.  ๐Ÿ˜  

Sue xx


  1. You have admirable self control, Sue - all those goodies, I wouldn't be able to restrict myself to just one a day!

    1. The ironic thing with me is that the more I have in store, the less I eat ... now if there was one huge bag of crisps it would be gone in a flash!!

  2. I dare not have crisps in the house - I just got at them constantly. No self control, that's the trouble.
    That's a lovely shopping bag.

    1. Self control is a very recently acquired habit for me ;-)

  3. Hubby is the same where crisps are concerned, that’s why we rarely buy any.

    1. Alan is a fiend when it comes to sweet things or nuts but can resist crisp very easily.

  4. Definitely full of temptations! I have very little will power and would be trying everything at once๐Ÿคฃ

    1. As I have tried them all in the past there's no rush to try anything new, so apart from the cakes which obviously have a much shorter shelf life, most of these things will last me a good few months.

  5. I hide any crisps in the cupboard, on the principle that out of sight is out of mind. It occasionally works!

    All sorts of nice treats there for you now anyway, and a tree planted, which is always good.

    1. I think that is why the bag works so well, I can't actually see the crisps so they are not on my mind until I make a sandwich that I think they will go well with.

  6. I’m glad someone else stores their crisps in a shopping bag. Some delicious looking things. Heather

  7. The contents of your VeganKind delivery look quite scrummy.

    You are right about a drop in online shopping. As you know we are friendly with all the regular delivery drivers here and a couple have told me that parcel numbers have dropped significantly in the last two or three months. One chap is now seriously worried whether he can continue to earn enough not to have to take on a second job - if he can find one (they are all self-employed and paid 'per parcel').

    This week I ordered something for my new van which was expected within 7 - 10 days. It arrived 36 hours after I clicked "Pay".

    1. Our regular Evri/Hermes driver was really pleased when I returned something via him the other day, and thanked me for not choosing the Post Office option, I guess your comment explains why.

  8. Goodness, what a load of yummies ! I find the downside of having a smaller home is the lack of storage space, our kitchen has very little so we have stuff all over the place but I forget where I have put things so often find surprises or keep buying what I don't need.. Being vertically challenged I find the top shelves in kitchen cupboards a waste of space ,I use my spaghetti spoon to tease things down so that's where our crisps live so if they should tumble out I won't be knocked unconscious.

    1. I do have to think outside of the 'cupboard' when I need more storage in the kitchen, hence the bag always having crisps in it. I did have a pleasant surprise this morning when I was tidying my shelves and found some 'Crunchie' type bars in my red flour bin which I thought was empty.

  9. I just found four comments from you in the spam folder, which is slightly ironic with you being a vegan! I've let them out to where they should be.
    What a lot of good looking tasty things you have tucked away

    1. And I thought you'd just fell out with me and had been busy deleting!! The weird thing is that when I publish comments they are visible at first and then seem to vanish. Blogger is being very silly just recently.

  10. You do make the most of every little space you have! I would have to hide the chips away as I can't resist! :)

    1. I really do have to make the most of all space. When your hallway is only six foot wide, the only route to the front door AND is the kitchen ... it has to be pretty neat and tidy.

  11. I keep my crisps in a shopping bag too. It stops them getting crushed ๐Ÿ˜ Your goodies look very tempting, Sue, you've earned some treats after challenge week. And you got a tree planted ๐Ÿ‘
    Thank you for sharing the link in a previous post. It all looks very tempting.

    1. It really works doesn't it. It's too tempting, hence me trying to order just a couple of times a year.


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