Friday 23 October 2020

Facebook Memories


Facebook Memories throws up virtually every day all sorts of memories both good and bad.  

Meme's shared through dark days or happy carefree days, fun animal clips that you loved enough to share with your family and friends, missing animal posts that you shared back in 2014 ... did Max ever find his way home? ... incomplete clips that just leave you puzzled and are deleted so next year won't be quite so puzzling when it comes around again, and sometimes truly lovely family memories.  It labels them with the year and this is what I woke up to this morning.

Seemingly on this day last year I helped Mum to hang this wonderful painting on her wall, done by my younger son of himself and his first meeting with his Granddad.

It meant a re-distribution of other family photos into a little gallery style display. 

And seemingly we did it all with the teeniest of tiny tools. 😄

It seems so much longer than one year ago.  

From seeing Mum on average forty five plus times a year, most weeks on a Wednesday, and us being ladies that lunch and pretty well known by the staff in the Altrincham branch of Wyevale/Dobbie's, I think I have seen her three times since March.

So much has changed, and it does make you wonder how much will change back?

Sue xx


  1. What a lovely picture. Are you nearer to your mum now that you have moved. I know I would love to still have/see my mum who died in 1989. I was only thinking yesterday that it is 31 years since I last spoke to her. If you are nearer do you feel like you have come full circle. There is that saying that the apples don't fall far from the tree.

  2. It does, doesn't it? Hopefully the best things, the things of value will return, maybe in a different guise and better for it.
    I have to believe that.

  3. I'm glad I don't do Facebook anymore, can't cope with too many memories and I like to choose which to remember.

    Your younger son is an amazing artist

  4. I too used to see my mum every week, she would come to lunch every monday and we haven't seen her since march.We speak on the phone every day which is lovely, but today she cried , it was awful, she never complains but for some reason, today she was emotional which is totally understandable. She goes out every day and is very careful, she is braver than me. We now have a date for my son's next surgery to try and reduce his seizures, 8th of december, in Bristol so we are being extra careful here, we feel lucky that here in Cornwall the numbers are low so Bristol seems a little daunting.We are all making sacrifices aren't we, hoping that what we are doing helps reduce the spread of this horrible thing. Keep safe and well, Chrissie.

  5. I love that painting! Your son is very talented. The thing that gets me about the Facebook memories is that it seems like the memory just happened and it may have been several years! It makes me aware of how fast time really is passing.

  6. What a fantastic painting, he is obviously very talented. I had a conversation about time with my daughter the other day. She said how long this year seems to have been despite not having to go to work. Working from home, no holidays, home schooling has all been stressful at times. No holidays or punctuate it has made it seem forever.

  7. Beautiful painting by your son! What a treasure!

  8. What a beautiful painting by your son.

    God bless.

  9. The painting is beautiful, Sue, your son is extremely talented.


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