Monday 26 October 2020

One Final Day and Night at the Van


Today is my last full day at the Van.

I am busy packing up virtually everything, just leaving myself enough food for my tea and one of everything I might need ... plate, cup, glass, knife, fork, spoon etc.  As I go round picking up the bits and pieces that are left and stuffing them in my usual haphazard way into bags I am giving the Van a really good clean ready for it going up for sale on Wednesday.  When it appears on the company website I'll share a link so you can see how it looks.

Alan was an amazing help over the weekend, he came through in our Mitsubishi truck with a few things from home for me.  My double bed and it's bedding, my little green 'alien' storage box, a large plastic box of kitchen items that I had packed up when I was last back in Wales, my clothes rail and a few other bits and pieces that have disappeared into the flat.

Once we had unloaded it at the flat on Saturday we went back and reloaded the truck with all the larger pieces from the Van, the bench from the garden, the tin bath ready for some Winter replanting, some large boxes and another set of filled bags.

Once we had unloaded the truck, he put up some shelves for me, assembled the bed frame and helped with a few of the heavier jobs.  Then we treated ourselves to a spot of late lunch before heading back to the Van to get on with some vital office work.  The only reason Alan was able to come out of Wales is that our company handles a type of work that gives Alan key worker status for travelling and we needed to sort out some of those work things together.  Now that has been dealt with he will be able to abide by the full Welsh lockdown and remain based in Wales until it is over or at least changes again.

Having the truck here for two days though was such a huge help.

My bedroom on Friday ...

... and then with the double bed in place and the net curtains hiding the worst of the horrible blue venetian blinds on Sunday afternoon.

Today I am doing one full car load and unpacking the bags into the spare room so I can bring them back to fill one last time tomorrow, when I will be handing in the keys of the Van.  While Alan was here we signed the contract for the caravan  park to act as agents and sell the Van for us, we have our fingers crossed it sells quicker than the house in Wales!! 

Then it will be time to head down the road into my new home town with the last of my bits and pieces.  For someone who thought she was minimal this Van sure held a lot of stuff.  Something I will be rectifying over the next few months.

Sue xx


  1. Its amazing, I know, how stuff seemingly appears from nowhere when you are packing to move! It was handy to have Alan around to share the heavy stuff with, wasn't it,Sue, I find i don't have much strength in my hands lately so need all the help I can get when lifting or moving furniture.
    Your bedroom looks much better now. It will soon be time to settle in .

  2. I've loved following your progress with the flat and seeing it developing a personality. I love the wired kitchen shelf and drainer in the kitchen and those mustard curtains in the bedroom. What a stylish abode.
    I'm glad you had Alan's assistance and that he was able to officially escape to help you. Good luck with selling the van, I've got a feeling it'll soon find a new owner, so many people I know are re-evaluating their lives at the moment. xxx

  3. I think stuff breeds when we aren’t looking. We keep trying to get rid but it’s like things pop out the woodwork when we aren’t looking!

  4. It's the stuff we accumulate below the the surface. Emptying a chest of drawers for example. Its really coming together and looks quite lovely. I hope the van sells quickly, you deserve some good luck. X

  5. You have done a great job of getting everything sorted so quickly and it was wonderful that Alan was able to be there to help. Does this mean that ,while he can come to visit you from Wales to England, that you won't be able to go back to Wales for the foreseeable future? It must be so confusing for everyone right now with borders coming into play with the different restrictions. Good luck with it all.

    1. The Welsh borders are closed in both directions, so we won't be seeing each other for a couple of weeks at least. Although Alan can legally travel for all work related things, there's nothing now outstanding that require him to do so at the moment. It's only fair then not to travel unnecessarily.

  6. I hope you settle in well. Several of my friends have recently bought vans so am sure yours will sell without any problem. Arilx

  7. It is always so much fun to see an empty space turned into a home. I'm enjoying watching you set up.

  8. Congratulations on a move well done! It is so fun to see your new home transform into and comfy-cozy nest!

  9. I so enjoy reading and seeing photos of your new flat which is looking so lovely♥ Great that Alan was able to help so much with the larger items etc. xx

  10. Your new home is looking wonderful. It always amazes me how much "stuff" one accumulates. I am glad that Alan could help move the larger stuff and set things up in your new home.

    God bless.


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