Tuesday, 12 March 2019

The Simple Life

The simple life most definitely isn't bad, in fact it's really good. It's everything I knew it would be.

I've been asked a few times what I do with myself, and to be honest at the moment I am just going from task to task, but in a slower more considered way.  Still pottering through sorting out the Van, living day to day life and generally learning to slow things down a notch at a time.

No I don't have chickens to muck out, eggs to collect, fives acres to leave untended due to bad weather and internally stress over.  I don't have a leaking three bedroom cottage to do the housework for, or not as the case may be.  I don't do anything I don't want to do , and yes I do realise what a privilege that is.

Some folk have mentioned me being retired ... no you don't retire from being self employed when you own the company, instead you pace out the workload to suit any change of circumstances.   I won't go into financials on this blog, maybe in the future but not now.  But I am still a wage earner, I pay my own way.   I own a company that pays me a salary, and although it's not much it is enough to support this way of life completely.  

My income is low... but my outgoings are lower!

And Suky says ...

  'Who's the doggy in the top photo ... I thought it was me and you living a Simple Life".

Sue xx


  1. Oh Sue the closing comment has made me laugh, I can just imagine Suky saying it to you. We live on a much lower income than when I was working and we've adjusted great, we live simple and save were we can on the things we need to buy. We have our cheap newspaper holidays to look forward to. People spend their money in different ways, my friends thinks she's very frugal but I'm omg you've spent so much and could have got it cheaper if you'd shopped around. But it's each to their own isn't it were money is concerned so long as the books balance so to speak. I'm so happy the you've made the right decision for you and enjoying every moment xx

    1. The look on her face, taken when she was actually sat next to me on the bed just counters the other photo with the brown dog so perfectly.

  2. It is all about wanting what you have and NOT having what you want! I am cheap in so many areas and splurge in areas that are important to me. I have lived on so little money that I know I can take care of myself NO MATTER WHAT and that is a freeing feeling! Hugs to you! Annster's Domain

    1. It is a wonderfully freeing feeling isn't it. I'm so pleased so many of my readers 'get where I'm coming from'. 🙂

  3. As Mr Micawber said
    "Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen [pounds] nineteen [shillings] and six [pence], result happiness. Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pounds ought and six, result misery."
    Ain't that so much the truth!

    1. THAT is exactly the quote I was looking for for this post, and I couldn't for the life of me remember where it came from even enough to Google it - thank you.

      It sums things up perfectly. If I can live like that I'll be happy ♥️

  4. After Harvey retired our income dropped. Like you we are living very well on a great deal less.

    Enjoy the slowing down of your days.

    God bless.

    1. When you have less, you realise how little you do actually need ... especially to buy happiness.

  5. Your financials are YOUR business, no-one else's.

    Sue, I have watched, over many years and blog posts, how you have learned from your rented small-holding, to your move to Wales. How you have slogged on and on, tackled the challenges and difficulties thrown at you, and I still cry at the memory of your "1,000 Mile weekend" to rescue Mavis. You have shown yourself to be so hard-working, and resourceful and I have been so impressed with all you achieved.

    But your decision to say "stop the hamster-wheel, I'm getting off" and admit the life you built up was not the right one for you to lead in the future has probably been one of the most courageous and bravest things I have ever seen on a blog. I wish you every success and happiness in the future. 🐾💕

    1. Thank you for this lovely comment. You have no idea how much this means to me. Thank you for reading too, especially through your recent traumatic last couple of weeks. ((Hugs)) xx

  6. Thank you Jayne Hill Sue has always been one of the bravest people I know . I am so proud of her from Sues's MUM XX

  7. Sue - the brown dog in the top photograph could so easily be my Border terrier Tess. But she never leaves my side so I know it isnt. As for Miss Pug - well she is so beautiful and you may tell her so from me.

    1. It does look like Tess doesn't it. 🙂 How lovely that we both have our little companions to snuggle up too wherever we go ... although they do of course also create the perfect little tripping hazard, I have to watch myself nearly all the time as Suky is usually right behind me!!


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