Saturday 18 May 2019

Not Adding But Taking Away

Lots of things that no longer add to our lives or belong in our lives were sold today at the car boot sale at Rowen.  We made exactly £85 and had a pleasant morning chatting to folk, and helping them to give us money and take away the things that we no longer need or want.

It was lovely to meet a long term blog reader Gill and her husband Mike too ... they made a few purchases from our tables, hopefully things that they do need and did want.  

Although today's boot sale started off much quieter than usual due to uncertain looking weather, it picked up really well for the last hour or so, and reminded me how much I like the atmosphere at car boot sales.  With most people pleased at their bargains and sellers pleased at the growing pile of coins in their cash boxes.  Folk walking round with their dogs, chatting to people that haven't seen for a while, the aroma of cooking onions and the sound of chatter coming from the village hall, it all adds up to a jolly village-y feel.  We will be back in action, weather permitting, next week too as we have left the truck loaded and will add more stuff to fill the space left by all the things we sold today.

It's good to have less stuff ... this will be an ongoing thing all through this Summer as we are being truly ruthless with our possessions.

Change is feeling good, so very good.

Sue xx


  1. Change is good. Glad you managed to pass on a few items and make some money while doing so.

    God bless.

    1. It's a good way to have a clear out. We aren't greedy with our prices so everyone hopefully goes away happy.

  2. Hi Sue, it was so lovely to meet you and Alan today (readers - they are every bit as warm and welcoming as you'd expect them to be!). We've just got back to the cottage now after a trip to Llandudno to get paint for one of the bedrooms. We inherited a really blue bedroom so next week it will be painted all white with a touch of cheery yellow. I've got a cup of tea and Mike's watching the football so I can sit with my feet up reading your books. They look immaculate, as did everything else that you were selling, you REALLY look after your things!

    1. Thanks Gill, I'm glad you like your purchases. Your plans for the bedroom sound lovely. Xx

  3. Sue I love reading your posts and look forward to reading them, so inspiring xx

  4. Good for you and Alan! I can learn a lot from you! I need to learn to let go.

    1. I've found the more you do it the easier it becomes.

  5. We did two back-to-back car boot sales last weekend and did well, getting rid of stock which didn't sell at a higher price, and stuff we no longer wanted/needed. More to go but we have Fairs ahead so can't be in two places at once. Glad you enjoyed yourself - I liked the fact that a couple of things went to exactly the RIGHT people - one was Victorian hand-made petticoats and top with beautiful hand-crocheted lace trim. No one wanted it at Fairs, and then along came a man who had spent his lifetime collecting such things - we had a lovely chat and he went away happy with 3 more bits for his stash!

    1. Oh I love it when you can leave the vehicle loaded, maybe top things up a bit, and then crack on with selling again. Yes it's really nice when you sell someone something that they have been searching for or really need isn't it 🙂


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