Wednesday 26 January 2022

Books, Dogs, Television and Rats

This is the book I'm reading at the moment, I bought it last Summer and it obviously planted a seed in my mind for this years Challenge before I had even read a page.

 It's pretty interesting and quite easy to read, but I seem to be out of the habit of reading at the moment so it's being read in fits and starts, it's something I definintely want to get back to this year.  Life isn't life without a good book on the go and a recipe book to hand.

The current recipe book on the go is Miquel Barclays new one 'Green' One Pound Meals that came out on the 30th December ... just in time for a pre-Challenge purchase.  Although this year means I can't buy myself any books Alan has just pre-ordered a signed copy of the New Deliciously Ella book for my birthday for me.  I will have to wait to get it until it's released in August though, I'll be absolutely itching to get my hands on a new book by then. 😄

There's been far too much television watching instead of books recently ... not that Mavis is complaining at all.  Her new favourite show is The Secret Life of Our Pets.

She was fascinated by the guinea pigs, absolutely driven mad by the rats and then watched everything else with amazement.

Once it went back to mostly dogs she re-joined us on the sofa and settled down for a relaxing watch.  Suky was watching too, but in a much more sleepy way.  Just rousing herself enough for a quick 'gruff gruff' every time something of real interest came on.

It's a fascinating show.

Sue xx


  1. I bought Not Buying It for £1 in a secondhand bookshop years ago. I shall be interested in your thoughts about it. The author was wealthy and had plenty to start with, so I think the concept of "not buying" was an "interesting challenge" , rather than a necessity due to enforced poverty. That said, I found it a thought provoking book, and one I kept to re-read when I purged my library prior to retirement.

    1. She also seems to have a lot of exclusions from her Challenge, things she decided she would carry on buying regardless. It's very interesting in places and then seems to go off on a tangent and loses my interest slightly.

      I love buying this sort of book secondhand it just fits in with the ethos so perfectly doesn't it, mine came secondhand (or maybe even third hand ... it's very yellow round the edges) from Amazon.

  2. Aw...lovely Mavis is glued to the TV isn't she :) I've never watched that program myself, maybe I should.....

    1. Yes maybe you should, but just don't bark at the television too much ;-)

      Mavis always starts off barking, then gets a bit agitated and then settles down to watch. Only leaping up again if distressed baby animals come on, that really gets her going with her history.

  3. Betty will watch the TV if there's a farming programme on, also anything with cats (she hates cats) makes her woof. Oddly, very occasionally she'll take a dislike to a random presenter....generally a male one....her hackles will rise and she'll growl, very funny lol. Years ago the cat we had used to swipe at the TV screen if husband was watching snooker....trying to catch the balls. That was hilarious!

    1. Brilliant, I had a cat called Sam who used to love watching snooker, he would sit on top of our old wide tv and try to catch the balls as they went towards the pockets. He also loved horse racing and would circle the television waiting for the horses to appear.

  4. Funny to see your pups reacting to the telly. I don't watch any TV so not sure about how our dog handles the visuals. DH, however, does watch TV (in his man-cave) and the only time it seems to bother the dog is if a door bell goes off on TV. Then, barking ensues.

    1. Yes Mavis reacts to door knockers in real life and on television but she doesn't know what a doorbell is so luckily we have peace and quiet for that one.

  5. I never imagined that there would be a TV show that pets and owners would enjoy watching together! That sure made me smile, Sue!!

    1. Our lot love any programme, adverts or news item with any animals or birds in, especially farm animals. Funnily enough Suky reacts more to horses on television than she does to horses in real life.

  6. I love that photo of Mavis watching the TV! Stephen loves that Lloyds Bank advert where the horses gallop around the countryside but is oblivious to everything else. xxx

  7. A very cute post and nice to see your animal friends doing well.

  8. Your dogs look very comfy on the couch watching their favorite show.

    1. When Ginger sits watching too, there's barely any room for Alan. :-)

  9. I love how Mavis seems to be so interested in the program. I have a friend whose cat watches Mass online every Sunday.

    God bless.

    1. She gets really involved with the programmes and reacts to them, especially if puppies or any animal is in distress.

  10. Those pictures of Mavis watching television are just the cutest things.

    1. She's a little television addict at the moment. :-)

  11. Bertie loves dog programs, he's not interested in anything else. I have noticed he hates creepy music, you know the music to horror movies etc. He barks and his heckles are Up! I know what you mean about reading, I've struggled latey and force myself.

    1. Oooh, he really is getting into it if his hackles go up at creepy music. He must be a very perceptive boy.


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