Thursday 13 January 2022

Sending Letters By Pigeon Post


On her blog, Tracing Rainbows the other day, Angela mentioned receiving a Pigeon letter and my curiosity was spiked.  I just had to go straight over to the website ... and wow I fell in love with the designs.  Just look at this one from one of my favourite artists, original Angela Harding artwork just beautiful in every way.

Of course if this had been 'normal times' I would have picked out a couple of designs and ordered some straight way but it's my year of No Spending, so I had to bite the bullet and simply add them to my Wish List.  At least Alan might have a clue about what to buy me for my birthday!!

Summer Meadows Design, just another of my favourites and there are lots to choose from.  If you are as interested as me why not nip over here to read all about The Pigeon Story.


This is not a sponsored blog post ... none of mine ever are if you are wondering ... but I have acquired quite a few new readers recently so I thought I would just point this out. However, I do like to shout out about useful and beautiful things that I come across in anyway in my day to day life and leave a link for you to discover more about them yourself if that is what you would like to do.


Sue xx


  1. I did the same as you yesterday- hopped over to that website, saw the Angela Harding prints - love her work - and decided they were are brilliant idea and would get some sometime. I bookmarked the website for later as they will good presents for penfriends for next Christmas and some for me too.

    1. They would make lovely gifts wouldn't they. I think we should get letter writing back in fashion. 💖

  2. Aren't they lovely!! I do hope Alan takes the hint!

    1. I'll slip a 'have you read my blog lately, you're mentioned in it' into a conversation today. 😉😃

  3. Thanks for the mention. The letter I received was on the golden summer meadows design. I actually emailed PP yesterday afternoon, sending a link to my blog post & the positive comments. Within a couple of hours I'd had a lovely acknowledgement and a thank you from the founder of the company! Definitely a small concern with the personal touch, who deserve wider recognition 🙂❤️👍

    1. Yes, I had a chat with John yesterday asking permission to link. He's seems like a great guy. He'll be thinking us bloggers are stalking him. 😃🤣

  4. Well, I have never given up on Snail Mail and still have writing paper, notelets, envelopes etc and whilst these are really nice designs and would make a thoughtful gift, I shall keep on using up my stash!

    1. I intend to use a lot of mine up this year too.

  5. These remind me of the folding postcard letters you used to be able to buy at the seaside and popular tourist places - pictures of said attraction on front and you could write on the back, and once folded up, write the postal address and stick a stamp on. These are a lot more classy though!

    1. That's it!! I was racking my brains wondering what they reminded me of ... very similar to those strips of four or so 'postcards' that opened up with a blank back for a letter writing on, well they are a cross between those and a 'Bluey', lightweight letters sent via BFPO.

  6. How lovely are they? I hope Alan takes the hint!
    When I was clearing the parental home I found a drawerful of hotel stationery collected by my Dad from the 1950s until he retired in the 1980s from all over Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. I had every intention of using it but it's too special to send! xxx

    1. Vix, you could make or have made a hand bound book from all that stationery, a journal or hand written family recipe book would be amazing. The incorporated envelopes could contain written recipes from grandmother etc.

    2. Perhaps you could do some journaling with them as a background, or put photos of your Dad in front of a couple in frames so that the hotel names are visible.

    3. Thanks for those brilliant ideas, Sue & Margaret! x

  7. Those are so clever and pretty! I am wondering if I could make something similar with a sheet of printed paper. I wonder if there is an origami YouTube video showing how. There seems to be a YouTube video for everything these days! :)

    1. I'm guessing that that is possible, I used to love origami many, many years ago.

  8. How lovely, I hope since they are on your wish list you get them.

    God bless.

  9. Those are really lovely aren't they. I used to love writing proper letters but emailing took over years ago. It's just not the same 😕

    1. It's not the same is it. It made me realise that although I visit my Mum regularly I haven't written to her in ages.


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