Saturday 8 January 2022

Peering Closer Into the Fridge


I noticed yesterday that the fridge is already starting to look quite a lot emptier than it did only a few days ago.  This is actually a relief as I really want to use up the fresh things in here first so that nothing goes to waste.  

So I decided to have a much closer look and check the dates on the things ... and heck why not photograph it while I was doing it. 😃

And if you're anything like me having a good nosey into someone else's pantry/cupboard or fridge is very good  for the soul.

I noticed when I got the cream carton out yesterday that I hadn't really checked the small drawers properly so one by one I got them down.  More creams, some butters and a yogurt that needs using this weekend (so good job I looked), also there are two packs of Quorn Vegan Smokey Ham slices and some pates.

The other large drawer had even more vegan spread in it, so I will be good for at least a couple of months.  I reckon one tub lasts me about 3-4 weeks.  Two packs of ready rolled pastry and some little chocolate dessert pots ... and some Aldi No Pork Streaky Bacon Rashers ... that's breakfast for tomorrow sorted then.  😄

Lots more chocolate goodies in the narrow drawer from the top shelf.  This should last me a while, it's been in the fridge for months though so I will eat my way through this little stash first.  Oooh the hardship!!

I don't eat a lot of fruit so half of the 'Fruit Drawer' has always been the cheese stash drawer.  But saying that there's enough fruit to keep the 'Five a Day Food Police' happy. 😄😂

I had bought a selection pack of cheeses from The Vegan Kind Supermarket and then I was gifted the same pack, so I have carefully filed all the cheese in date order and will womanfully plough my way through them in the order that they dictate.  Along with grapes and squirty cream!!

Click on that link, use my name (Sue Hall) as a discount code and you will get £10 off a first order of £40 or more!

The vegetable drawer is looking nice and healthy and I have enough onions to see me well into February, with a bag of red and a bag of brown onions bought at the end of December right at the back, and four red onions left from a previous purchase as well.  A good proportion of this drawer will no doubt be consumed this week before it goes off and then I will use the £10 Booths coupon to replenish my stocks before it runs out on the 23rd.

So all in all I'm really pleased that the fridge is still quite full and should keep me well fed for a while.  Although equally I am pleased that supplies are starting to go down a little bit, giving me space and a clear shelf ... so I moved all the open foods and the leftovers onto the bottom shelf with the idea that I will use them up over this weekend.

First to be used the mashed potatoes, Applewood Smoked Cheese and cream.  With some of that ready rolled pastry, that sounds like the makings of a pie to me. 😁

Sue xx


  1. How amazingly organised your fridge is (and you too). It all looks quite delicious and it's such a comfort to have things in store, isn't it?

    1. It really is good to have lots of food in, especially with all this horrible weather.

      Those drawers all really help with organisation and they mean I can get things out without struggling too much.

  2. Your fridge is always so organised, not like mine where things are just dropped in anywhere! The little drawers are fab. You do seem to have a fair amount of food still in there, Sue, I can't see you having to spend money anytime soon ;) A pie sounds very tempting to me!

    Please wish Alan a very happy birthday today!

    1. I can't really stand for long enough to be rootling around for things, so I have to have everything where I can see it ... or at least try and remember where I put it. 😃

      I will do, thank you. ❤️ xx

  3. Ooh yes, I love a good nosey :)

  4. My fridge is still looking a bit empty after the power outage earlier this week. Haven't been able to restock properly yet as there was another run on the supermarket when more snow was predicted yesterday and at least a third of my pick up grocery order wasn't filled. Won't starve, however, have enough other food stuffs to make do--the reason I keep a well-stocked larder. Must say your fridge looks very pretty and orderly. :)

  5. Your fridge is a joy to see! I love the organization you have in it. I keep trying to organize ours but Tom doesn't help much with keeping it that way! You have a good selection of items to last you a bit!

  6. What a tidy and well organized fridge you have. Love it.

    God bless.


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