Monday 7 August 2023

Early Morning by the Canal, Family Visits and Getting My Ration Head On

It was lovely first thing this morning and Ginger came to tell me as much at 6.20am.  He wanted to go out and looking at the positioning of all my floor length curtains he had had a peep at all three usually available exits before deciding that he needed his own personal door person to facilitate this.  He went out and half an hour later, after a breakfast snack at Alan's he was back to mine to claim his usual morning treat of Dreamies and fall asleep once again on the armchair.

By this time I had put the first load of washing on and was sat clutching a mug of coffee and watching some YouTube.  It was just so nice outside that once the washing machine had done it's thing, I pegged the clothes out on the line and took myself canal side for a walk on the towpath.

The boaters were still tucked up in their huge beautifully decorated metal tubes, the paths were clear and the sun was shining, what a brilliant way to start the day.

I love the stillness of early morning. and as it was still barely past seven o'clock I only saw one other person to say 'Good Morning' to, a lady with two excitable Spaniels.

As I got closer to home the water was sparkling in the early morning sunshine, I have fingers firmly crossed that we have another good day all day today.  Yesterday was lovely, sunny and warm and as Alan's sister came to stay for the weekend we enjoyed sitting in the garden catching up on news.  Earlier she too had enjoyed the early morning towpath, going for a jog in sunshine but getting pretty muddy as she burned up the miles along the canal-side after Saturdays heavy rains.

Later we left all three dogs ... our two and her German Shepherd Tia ... back at home snoozing and had a pleasant wander around the sleepy Sunday High Street, with Alan and Alison comparing property prices between here and Peebles, before stopping for a coffee and a slice of cake in Booths café.

I love that our High Street has shops that virtually all still close on a Sunday, even in retail you need a day off and our shops are virtually all small independents. Of course the supermarkets are open and our new Factory Shop was open although pretty deserted.  Our little town is like a step back in time occasionally ... in a very good way.

And speaking of stepping back in time, it seems I already have my 'rationing head' on, I have started saving my citrus peels and popping them into the freezer, first this lonely little Easy Peeler skin at the start of last week ...

... and then the squeezed out ends from the lemon bought this week for my early morning drinks.  

Once I have added the skins from the other six that I have in the fridge and the cores from the two apples in there I will have a bag of bits and bobs ready to add to some Compost Heap Jelly, which will make good use of my sugar ration when rationing begins at the end of this month.

In the meantime I have been sorting through my food cupboard, donating a couple of things that just won't get eaten and getting things organised on shelves so that I know what is available to eat and when, during my rationing months.

I need to finish my narrowboat book this week and then start reading up on rationing again to get my head in the right space for this ongoing money-saving personal challenge.

What did you get up to at the weekend?

Sue xx 


  1. Walking by water when the sun is shining is always a treat - not something that's easy to do here - even the ditches are empty
    I'm interested to see what your rationing head looks like?!

    1. We seem to be having completely different weather at opposite ends of the country don't we. It's been lovely here for the last couple of days, but prior to that we had almost non-stop rain for over three weeks. At least after the rain the canal level is looking healthier again ... and hopefully we won't need a hosepipe ban this year.

  2. Spaniels always seem to be excitable! Lovely walks for you and the dogs by the canal, I wish we had that in walking distance. Looking forward to reading along with your challenge.

    1. My dogs weren't with me this morning they were fast asleep in bed, much too early for them and Alan, so they all missed out. Yes, the spaniels were definintely bouncy, bouncy. :-)

  3. What a gorgeous way to start the day. Knowing how much you like canals I have sent you a sneak peak of the last day of my holiday. It might be a while before I catch up with blogging.

    Our weekend was fairly typical - dodging showers, bit of gardening, bit of van cleaning & fettling.

    1. Thanks for the photos, it looks lovely. I've no doubt it will take you quite a while to catch up on the blog posts with all those gorgeous photos. It was all just so photogenic wasn't it, no wonder you had to keep stopping to admire it all, soak it in and take some snaps. I apologise to Blue Bus, she's lovely. ;-)

      My car is definintely a boy!!

  4. Yesterday began well, quite sunny, so I decided to pop to the allotment with G at work and do a bit of tidying. Typically, as soon as I got in the car the heavens opened 😱 but I went anyway. I worked through the drizzle, picking beans and cutting brocolli, even pulling a few carrots. It was so calming. I dropped in at my brother's house on the way home and shared it all with him. Once home, a hot shower warmed me up nicely. The rain never let up all day...
    Your walk looks lovely, Sue, so very relaxing. Not sure I could cope with such an early start though 😁

    1. It can be quite soothing working outdoors in gentle drizzle or light rain can't it ... as long as you know there's the chance for a nice hot shower or bath afterwards. I bet your brother loved all his healthy delivery.

      I need to start going to bed earlier and keeping up with the earlier mornings, I find it so peaceful and a really good start to the day.

  5. Two things made me happy this weekend:
    I managed to get my 83 yr old sister onto WhatsApp. We live in two different countries and keeping in touch has proved a nightmare. It’s brilliant now - photos of family etc
    For the second week running my phone told me I was down 10% on my useage. I’ve finally dipped well below 3 hrs a day. Bearing in mind I read all my books on my phone and read all articles ditto I’m pretty pleased.

    1. The internet and social media is brilliant for keeping in touch with each other isn't it. I'm only on Facebook so that I can see what my boys, grandkids and great grandkids are up to and chat with them via Messenger.

      Yes I have been trying to get my phone usage down, it's taking a while but a few minutes less each week makes me happy. If you're reading on there too that's amazing.

  6. Our eldest daughter visited, and we watched the racing with Keith on Saturday and I even got a tiny bit of x-stitch done. Sunday we had a beautiful walk and some more x-stitch in the evening. Today has been grocery shopping and a massive bake-in.

    1. Is Keith a motor racing or horse racing fan? Alan loves the Grand Prix season, thank goodness I have my own television!!

  7. We did a 20 000 step walk on Sunday and I can hard,y move today! Catriona

    1. That is a LOT of steps ... no wonder you were stiff the next day!

  8. A whole week of rain both here and up north with family. Keep waiting to have breakfast on the patio!

    1. It's been nice to welcome the sunshine back for a few days here, fingers crossed it lasts until the weekend.

  9. I like your compost heap jelly! I make something similar when I make peach jam, but, I call it "No Waste Jam"! I peel the peaches for the main batch of jam (which I make to give as holiday gifts) and then, make a batch of jam using all the peels, along with one or two peaches, and that's what I use, myself. :)

    1. It's delicious isn't it, I finished off a jar this morning ... slathered a tad too thickly on toast but gosh was it nice.

  10. When we lived on a narrowboat the best time of day was the early morning, the peace of the canal came flooding back to me reading your post x
    Alison in Wales x

    1. It's like a whole other world isn't it, the calm of the water, the wildlife and all the boats bobbing ever so slightly on the water. I love it.

  11. What a lovely start to your day. There is a certain feel to canal side walking, which is very calming.
    Fingers crossed for a little more sunshine. X

    1. It's sunny again today ... woohoo. :-)

  12. Compost bin jelly, wow what a thing. I have started collecting lemons this morning and now have ordered Pam the Jam's book and a Lakeland muslin bag and stand. I should be in profit by next year, ha ha. Thank you Sue for the tips and info.

    1. It's very tasty, I've made it a lot over the years, since I met Pam the Jam actually. 🙂


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