Thursday 3 August 2023

Making the Most of ANY Sunshine, Freebies and a Sulking Mavis


At the moment, like many people here in the UK, we are making the most of ANY nice weather. 

 It was a rainy and at times cold July, and to see it out in style, when there was a brief window of sunshine on Saturday morning we jumped in the car with the dogs and headed to Williamson Park in Lancaster.  

Just twenty minutes away it's a good place for dog walking and enjoying some wide open spaces ... and there's a good little café in the park that sells coffees and bacon butties.

I love big open skies and the view across Morecambe Bay from the café is amazing.

As the clouds started to gather again we headed back to the car, but in a brief flash of sunshine this lovely little park seating shed in it's own clearing amongst the trees and bushes looked magical ... and very hobbit-like.  I just had to stop for a photo or two.

I came home with some freebies in my bag, and we missed the rain completely as it didn't start properly until we were almost home, always a good outcome in my book.

Then Alan had to go away for work for a couple of days ...

... and Mavis sulked!!

She's a good little sulker and she's perfected her art well over the past couple of years.  If she's not sat facing the furniture or a corner, she's right up the end of my hall lying on the doormat, you know when Mavis is sulking!

Sue xx


  1. Mavis is a real Daddy's girl isn't she?! Betty's love is divided equally amongst husband and I, she sulks just as much when either one of us is out. Lovely pictures Sue, the park looks beautiful. You're right, we need to make the most of any sunshine opportunities.

    1. Both dogs (and Ginger) love their dad as he's rather free and easy with the gravy bones and sharing his food with them. Mum is cruel and knows they both have to watch their weight for health reasons, I'd rather have a sulky healthy dog, they do get treats with me ... just not as many.

  2. Poor Mavis :) I remember having cats that would get mad if we left them. They would destroy something while we were gone, just to show their disapproval. The park looks beautiful! I could go for some nice, cool rain about now!

    1. Oh gosh Ginger used to make us pay for leaving him overnight when we had the caravan. He would go out and catch himself a rabbit, bring it in to eat in the kitchen and then display the entrails on the front door mat for us to find on our return. Self sufficient and enterprising but sulky in his own way.

  3. A summer so different from last years heat - Oh well this is GB after all - can't complain!

    1. It's been so wet and so cold here for the last few weeks, it's no wonder my tomatoes are all still green. :-(

  4. Lovely photos. I agree with making the most of any sun that comes along. Mavis is so funny!

  5. I think I must have jinxed Cornwall's weather when I moved here. From my Leicestershire home I used to dream of one day living in that warm, sunny place but had to manage with a one or two week camping holiday. Hmmmm . . .I now need flippers and souwester most of the time and I'm rusty!
    I love your description of Mavis' sulking!!! Such a descriptive pose in that photo where she's studying the armchair. Lol, lol, lol. Love her!

    1. She certainly knows how to get her point across. :-)

  6. Love the photo of Mavis with her 'mad' on. Poor baby. Easy to see she is not amused by her father's (albeit brief) desertion. :)

    1. She used to cope so much better when it was four days a week every week, now it's a bit more unexpected she definintely goes into a strop each time.

  7. Lol at Mavis! My parents had a Cairn terrier that would sulk whenever they came back from a holiday. She would take days to come round again and would lie facing away from them on purpose :-)

    1. Oh I had a cat that used to do that, a proper sulker with great dramatic effect, he would deign to eat in the kitchen and then slink off again to be alone, for about a week after each and every 'desertion'. :-)

  8. Hard up Hester posted about her dog doing something similar. Mind you, my daughter used to do much the same when her Dad went out😆 Catriona

    1. Yes, Beano sounds very like Mavis at times, they are such funny characters aren't they. :-)

      Funnily enough my sons were usually happier when their Dad went out!!

  9. Oh if you could just send a tiny bit of that rain across the pond, it would be most welcome! The sun hid behind the clouds today which was a welcome relief but still no rain. Silly Mavis:)

    1. Oh I wish we could, the world is so unbalanced weather-wise at the moment isn't it. :-(

  10. It’s been a rubbish July here in South Devon! After two months of little rain, it has poured down! I feel for the holidaymakers! Although it does make gardening a bit easier as the ground is not as hard to manage, I do hope that the sun returns throughout August.

    1. I remember 'concrete soil' so well when we used to live down South, not a chance of that here at the moment, it's more like mud.

  11. Mavis is definitely a Papa's girl. We have had a hot and dry July and I am hoping for rain this month... Not all at once but at least once a week. That park is just lovely.

    God bless.

    1. She really is ... of course it could have something to do with all the treats. ;-)
      Fingers crossed for some rain for you.

  12. Love tht Hobbit house, please can you pop it in the back Alan's car next time you visit and bring it up here :-)

    Daisy was the same with my husband if I went away - she tolerated him as provider of food and toilet walks but apparently made it very clear that he was a very poor second to Mum.

    1. Haha ... he's need a MUCH bigger car!

      After a week without him she's all over me and every sulk is forgotten but he's rarely away for a full week anymore.

  13. Oh Mavis, I love her! She's just like a child sulking lol....
    The park looks beautiful and just right for a lovely walk.

    1. She's a star isn't she. :-)

      It's a beautiful park, and we haven't touched the surface of it all yet. There's so much more to see but it's very hilly, so me and Suky struggle to do more than head for the café and grab a seat.

  14. The picture with sulking Mavis is very cute!

    1. She knows how to get her point across very firmly. :-)

  15. Sulking Mavis is so cute!
    The park with that gorgeous little shelter looks lovely. I keep dashing outside whenever the sun makes a brief appearance - which is seldom! I've admitted defeat today and I'm wearing a jacket and boots, thank goodness we've had a sunny fortnight in Corfu! xxx

    1. I bet you'll be ready for another nice warm holiday soon, once festival season is done and dusted. xx


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