Saturday 12 August 2023

Weekend Watching

Our motley little crew hoping to share Alan's lunch, I think it's the corned beef they are after rather than the figs and beetroot. 😄

And here for Weekend Watching are a few of the YouTubers that have entertained me this week.

Farmhouse on Boone ... a recent home tour.

This is one of my more recently discovered channels, she does some lovely relaxing cooking videos too, and now they are a family of ten.

Three Rivers Homestead - Jessica is currently doing her #everybitcountschallenge.

I used to love preserving our produce for the Winter months, but I never reached the volume that Jessica does ... well there are only two of us and lots more of this lovely family.

If you are even thinking of moving onto a narrowboat here are some great tips delivered in a unique way by Vic, of Holly- The Café Boat fame.

And the lovely Grackle is all grown up, married and sharing some of the things she enjoyed on her honeymoon.  It's been like watching a daughter grow up and find the love of her life.

And finally -

A couple living in a tiny space in Brooklyn, New York.

I'm not sure if some of the things they have done would suit me, but they have lovely taste and so much of this apartment I would love.  They also have even less space than me, my small home is just over 336 square feet and theirs is just 300.

I hope you enjoy some of these YouTube videos as much as I have over the past week or so.  My current favourite is watching Farmhouse on Boone while I wake up in the mornings with a nice cup of coffee, watching while she makes her sourdough bread or organise her food for the day is a lovely peaceful start to my day.

Little glimpses into other peoples lives is very nice isn't it, and I would much rather this than all the 'celebrity news' and gossip that is bandied around.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend, I'll be back soon to let you know what we've been up to on ours.

Sue xx


  1. I love the look on their faces - did Alan share anything?

    Your videos are much nicer than 'celebrity' nonsense. At my sewing group this week we looked through the list of this year's Strictly contestants - none of us had heard of most of them!

    1. He ALWAYS shares, they know he's a soft touch. 😂🤣

  2. Love the first photo with everyone waiting to see if they get to share a bit of lunch! Thank you for the video links.

    1. Oh, they definitely got to share. 😂

  3. Wow, that's a coincidence. I have just published a new post on my blog, and find we have the same title. I am not copying, honest. Lovely to see Mavis.

    1. Haha ... great minds think alike. She's suddenly seeming very old, but she's a happy little dog still. ❤️

  4. The photo of the lunch and the cat and dogs is wonderful! Thank for sharing the videos which I will enjoy watching later. Catriona

  5. Nothing like having a "chorus" (I'm betting a few whines/meows are shared) to help with dispersing the contents of a meal. 😀

    1. No actually, they always all sit in silence ... but you can FEEL their eyes boring into you as you eat. :-)

  6. Anon was me, Mary. Google evidently decided not to reveal my name...the little darling.

    1. Thank you. :-)

      Google and Blogger too are working in weird and mysterious ways these days!!

  7. Healthy tasty looking lunch - no wonder the pets were queuing up:-)
    Alison in Wales x

    1. They queue up for any chance of food, this time they all got some corned beef. Funnily enough no one was interested in my black coffee ;-)

  8. I rarely watch YT videos but did watch the one of the small Brooklyn apartment. It is amazing. I love seeing what people can do with a small space and it was inventive and beautiful. Thank you.

    1. Oh, and forgot to mention, the three watching Alan's lunch was also priceless!

    2. Yes, I love watching how people fit out and use small spaces, especially when they are even smaller than mine. There ae occasionally some good tips for me to pick up on.

      They are a precious (and greedy) little trio aren't they. :-)

  9. I hope you have a wonderful weekend as well. I have been watching Three Rivers for awhile now. Man she is one busy lady.

    God bless.

    1. She has a beautiful family hasn't she, and they live in such a small house for so many people, she is going to be very glad of the new cellar space.

  10. I will try to catch some of these next week. I have a friend staying at the moment, so it's been days out, which have been lovely. Great photo of the pets looking hopeful.

    1. I hope you having a wonderful time with your friend Gay. The photos on todays post are amazing!

  11. Love the audience for lunch!
    You do share some nice videos; I enjoyed the tiny apartment - weren't they lucky to have such high ceilings? It certainly wouldn't have been such a workable space without those, but imagine doing all that work (and spending all that money!) on a rented apartment!

    1. We learnt a long while back that sometimes it's worth gritting your teeth and getting a rental property exactly the way you want it as soon as you can and then really enjoying living in it.

      Thinking of something as not 'your' home means that you never fully settle into it. We have spent money on all the rentals we have had over the years and always aim to leave them (with the landlords permission) in a better state than we found them.

    2. You're right of course - I've definitely done not-insignificant work on a rented home in the past, but nothing as large-scale as that couple!
      They'll have a lot of work to do to undo it all, taking down all the wall-mounted stuff, filling holes etc, and with a baby too. It's a shame they won't be able to stay for much longer, but I think 6 months is a bit of an optimistic push.
      Loved the fold-down doorway counter, might pinch that idea!

  12. We love watching Vic and Joanna on The Holly Boat Cafe! We usually watch them on Saturday mornings with our coffee. I'm definitely going to watch the small space video. I love to see how people arrange their living spaces. Great recommendations!

    1. They are such a lovely family aren't they. Funnily enough we have just had a café boat moored up on our stretch of the canal, not Vic and Joanna sadly, but a happy coincidence.

  13. Thank you very much for all the You Tube recommendations. I am totally smitten with Rationbook Rebecca who you mentioned a while ago now. I do agree about dipping into the gentle lives of others.

    1. She is such a gentle soul isn't she. I will be watching through some of her older rationing blogs for recipe inspiration this week. It was so sad that she lost Shaky the chicken recently, but she lived to a good age for a chicken and had a very happy life.

  14. "Little glimpses into other peoples lives is very nice isn't it, and I would much rather this than all the 'celebrity news' and gossip that is bandied around." This is why I love reading blogs. I know next to nothing about popular culture. I don't go to movies or listen to the Top 50 music. I only watch old movies occasionally (black & white from the 30s-40s) or sports or local weather. I figure if there is news I need to know, I'll hear about it. I listen to jazz music or instrumental. What I really enjoy is reading or watching other's day to day life. We may not think we do anything interesting or important, but I enjoy seeing other's gardens, decorating, cooking, meeting up with friends. Thank you for sharing yours.

    1. Yes, some of the 'celebrity news' and gossip is ridiculous and usually present with such 'click-bait' headlines online. I've not listened to the Top 50 music for years now. Back in the day I would record the Top 20 every Sunday evening off the radio, trying to cut out the DJ butting in at the end of the record ... now THAT ages me nicely!! :-)

  15. Oh, those hopeful little faces . . . bless them. xx

    1. They permanently live in hope, if we fed them every time we looked into those pleading eyes, they would all be the size of barrels. :-)

  16. Those little faces watching Alan eating his lunch are so adorable!
    I never think of looking at YouTube for anything other than music. xxx

    1. Oh YouTube is a wealth of knowledge and information ... if you pick wisely. :-)


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