Thursday 24 August 2023

For Lesley ... Pugs Might Fly


Are these the 'things' that you were asking about Lesley?

I hope they are.

They are my 'Pugs Might Fly' bought by Alan as a Christmas present for me during our first few months in Wales way back in 2013.  They were white at first and once we had redecorated the wall around the fireplace there they did stand out a bit better, but I decided to paint them this subtle shade of  fawn when I moved here and I knew I wanted a white wall.

Just three little plaster Pugs flying in the manner of the old Flying Ducks from the 1930s.

Made even more famous on Coronation Street in Hilda Ogden's house.

Sue xx


  1. Absolutely love them! They look fantastic painted, good choice. You do have a good eye.

  2. Love the colour you painted the pugs. Catriona

  3. So quirky and lovely x
    Alison in Wales x

  4. So cute. I love them.

    God bless.

  5. Ahh, who could forget Hilda Ogden and the ducks flying across her "Muriel"!!! Lol

  6. They definitely look much better painted! And I couldn't help but spot "The Way Home" in your book stack. I love that book...many page flags and under-linings. I always wonder how he's getting on.

    1. Ah, Google/Blogger...sorry, for the anon! ~ Mel

  7. Love the pugs. Great colour. I have a set of magnets of Hilda's ducks to fly on the fridge

  8. Well my name up in lights and a whole blog in answer!
    Of course I should have known they were flying pugs.
    I didn't see this until today as I was on an awayday to Edinburgh Zoo to see the pandas before they get shipped off home to China ( for not making much of an effort in the bedroom department).
    Thanks Lesley

  9. They're ace! I've got a set of 1930s metal swallows and some 1980s puffins, they've travelled around with me for decades! xxx

  10. Love the flying pugs! Clearly the idea of someone with a sense of humour . June.

  11. Love the flying pugs and I remember Hilda's flying ducks♥


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