Tuesday 16 July 2019

A Good Morning Ritual

I'm taking time just now to be 'in the moment',  immersing myself in the things that I do, the things that I watch and the things that I read.  Being aware, and awake to what is around me.

It could be something to do with the yoga that I've just started again.  Nothing fancy, no classes of hot sweaty bodies or mats and people rolled out in lines ... my idea of hell ... just me, a DVD, the living room carpet and a Pug that comes over and kisses me whenever I am flat on the floor.  It's a thirty minute start to the day to calm things down, stretch creaking old ligaments and bones out and to centre me for the day ahead.

Followed by a shower, a mug of coffee on the bench in the garden and then a wonderful riverside walk with my cute little furry companion.  We both drink in the sights and sounds of the river, the smells of freshly mown grass and the dreaded Himalayan Balsam.  Yes it's gloriously scented but it starts a fight to the death for so many of our native wildflowers lining rivers, railway tracks and country lanes πŸ˜•

Today we walked back through the caravan park, stopping to chat to couples gardening in their little van-side gardens, the guys moving a large fridge freezer from one van to another and finally to a lady straightening up slowly and painfully from a spot of low level painting.  I could have suggested yoga ... but I didn't  πŸ˜„

Sue xx


  1. The start to your day sounds lovely!

    God bless.

  2. A nice, restful start to your day. That;s what we all need.

  3. It sounds a bit like me last week on holiday. An early morning stroll along the shore really set me up for the day. It was lovely.

    1. It does get the day off to a good start πŸ˜€

    2. Yes. It really does.

  4. You and Suky are off to a great start. I hope the rest of your day is as nice. Love the Converse shoes!

    1. Asda cheapies, I live in them except for wet days. I stock up at the end of each Summer in the sale, ready for the next πŸ˜€

  5. How important it is to take the time to live in the moment as you said. It is far too easy to get caught up in the everyday rush and lose track of those things that really matter. You are a wise lady Sue!

  6. Sounds such a wonderful start to the day:) I know for one I get caught up in too many "routines" good wake up call for me Sue:)

    1. That's what I'm really aware of at the moment, ditching routines but just slightly varying the ones that work. Like this morning walk for instance, we go along the river, across the river ... and some mornings we even end up in a coffee shop πŸ˜„

  7. Every year since retiring 3 years ago I find myself getting more and more relaxed. Ive learnt to rationalise so much now. You have a great start to your day and it will have so many more benefits for your life in general. X


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