Saturday 13 July 2019

Getting My Deliveries ... and my Perspective

 First let's make this clear, very clear.  This is not an advert, I do not get this free for telling you about it ... in fact I can't bloody well get rid of it!!  Although I have to admit it's not that bad a problem to have.

Back at the tail-end of last year when I was in one of my  'I never spend any money I deserve a treat' moods I signed up for a yearly subscription box delivery from The VeganKind.  They started rolling in one a month within days of me signing on the dotted line and paying for my yearly subscription up front.  It was my Christmas present to myself ...

... and yes, every month does feel like Christmas when my box arrives and I unpack all the goodies inside.  

But I've changed, changed so much since ordering that first box just those few months ago.  I don't need treats.  I don't really want 'the latest' goodies that appear on the shelves to pop onto my doorstep.  I cancelled my ongoing subscription but I have to ride out this years deliveries.

But saying all that I will enjoy getting them and make the most of the boxes that are yet to arrive,

I think my mind and my outlook completely changed last month when these arrived on the same day.

Treats and tastiness in one box ...

 ... and a whole weeks supply of food for a refugee in the other.

I got my perspective that day.

Sue xx


  1. Oh, my - those last two pictures hit me like a slap in the face. A real mental/emotional jolt. Phew.

  2. Yes the contrast is stark. a good lesson in wants versus needs...

  3. Yes, that really is a lesson in perspective.
    Seeing those two boxes together is quite a shocker.
    Take care, xx

  4. Two boxes, two worlds, combined giving food for thought.Thank you so much for sharing, it's a picture that needs to be seen by everybody.

  5. Wow! Do you have a £cost for the second box? Lentils, rice and beans - we all know tht's healthy, but so little?

    1. When I queried it with Concern UK, who ran the Ration Challenge, the boxes were estimated to hold just under £5 worth of food. As mine was the vegan version, I would say at least 80p less than that. The VeganKind box costs me £9.99 a month, but the value of the contents varies ... anything from £13 to £20.

  6. Talk about contrast!!! The two boxes arriving on the same day must have been fate (that is if you believe in that). What an eye opener.

    God bless.

    1. It was a sobering surprise to unpack one and then film myself unpacking the other for the Challenge.

  7. Hi Sue,
    Hope you are ok. You sound very sad and worn out in the last few years of blog posts. I used to read your "new live in the country" and loved it, you seemed so sure of your life, but then you suddenly stopped. I recently found this one, but you sound a different person. It seems that you are in an unhappy situation/relationship but are unable to talk about it freely on here. Fair enough, but the strange cryptic posts can be worrying if no explanation is given. A new beginning can only happen once you face the real problem, admit it and find a way to move on. No amount of new blogs, new houses etc will mask the real issues.
    Hope this hasn't been too personal for you as a comment.
    Best wishes, another simple life seeker!

    1. 'Sad and worn out', 'no explanation given'. I owe an explanation to no one, especially Anonymous commenters who don't bother to give a name as requested.

      I will have as many new homes as I wish, although this is the only one ... I don't know how many you think I have had ... and start as many new blogs as I wish. Although I have only two .. each with a purpose and a reason.

      My life, my blog ... no actual fucks given!!

      Best wishes πŸ™ƒ

    2. "No actual fucks given", lol!

    3. I know ... sorry ... I'm just ME I'll never change 🀣πŸ€ͺπŸ™ƒ

    4. And why should you? Made me laugh as I'm much the same for frankness!

  8. Err ok. No offence was intended. It is a public blog you know. Why keep posting stuff about unhappiness if you don't want people to question the reason.
    My name is Sally btw.

    1. It's a public blog yes, my online diary and as such I am free to post exactly what I want to post about, when and how I choose to!!

      Thank you for sharing your name πŸ™‚

  9. Gawd, we often feel the need for treats in the developed World don't we? When did this start I wonder? I recall only getting chocolate Easter, Christmas and birthdays as a child but now people seem to regard it as an everyday thing. We have so much but appreciate it so little don't we? Chocolate is just a very crude example. People never seem happy or satisfied, no matter how much they have. Sad really!

    1. Definitely, I agree entirely. πŸ™‚


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