Friday, 5 July 2019

Good over Perfect

Give me good over perfect any day

Give me room for improvement

And space to grow

Not merely the wait for a fall from a pedestal

A fall from grace

Or a picture perfect happy ever after

I thought I had found my happy ever after

I haven't

I didn't

It wasn't to be

I didn't fall from grace

But the fall was there

The bump was hard and unexpected

Give me good over perfect any day

But don't give me bad

Unless you really want to  see what bad can be


  1. Always do the best you are able is good enough; keep helping others along the way. No-one is perfect.

  2. Need a hug? {{{ ๐Ÿพ ๐Ÿ’ ๐Ÿพ }}}

  3. I love this. My sentiments EXACTLY


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