Thursday 25 July 2019

Magnolias and Bees

The Magnolia's flowering like mad this year.  

Week after week of day-long flowers ... yes, I know they are really the blossom of the Magnolia plant but how can something so huge and so magnificent be called a blossom, it is a floral delight.

In other nature-y news, I was walking around the paddock with the dogs yesterday in the cool of the early morning, knowing that later it would be much too hot for a certain little Puggy lady to want a walk.  When I came upon this little fuzzy buzzy bee lethargically plodding along in the grass.  Not wanting to uproot him from his spot in the field I knew he needed some sustainance so I pulled off a freshly opened foxglove flower and in he crawled.  Thirty seconds later he came out slightly refreshed but not totally back to normal.

So I got him another one.

It worked a treat, and after his treat he looked much more like a fuzzy buzzy busy bumble bee should look. We left him to it and went back to put the first load of washing out on the line.  I'm making full use of this wonderful sunshine, heat and the gentle breeze to get all the washing from the Van washed dried before I return at the weekend.

Sue xx


  1. I love helping our fuzzy friends out when they require sustenance. You did a good deed.

    1. They do so much for us, it's only fair to help.

      Second good deed of the day two minutes later was to rescue three black beetles from the sheeps water trough, and then I inserted a branch so that any more that fall in can climb out. Alan goes round removing my 'bridges and ramps' I go back round putting them in :-)

  2. I have read that if you find a dozy bee indoors, make a small amount of sugar syrup, one part sugar to 2 of water, just on a spoon left nearby,so it can get enough energy to get back to where it needs to bee ( pun intended ) :) Isn't nature a wonderful thing, it lifts the soul !

    1. I've blogged about doing this for years, (most recently here .. and it really works.

      But in the middle of a paddock with no spoon or sugar to hand I did as nature would have wanted and got my little fuzzy friend a nice fresh flower he could reach. It was enough to get him on his way :-)

  3. Well done on the bee rescue, they do need our help sometimes, no matter how hard we are trying to save money, I will always buy flowers for the garden to keep the birds, bees and insects coming in, they do need our help with all their habitats being destroyed. x

    1. It's just a thing of mine looking down when I wander, especially when I'm deep in thought ... that's the only reason he didn't get trodden on. Far better to rescue one than flatten it ;-)


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