Friday 19 July 2019

How Are Things Working Out at The Van

So how is the Van looking these days and how are the things I put in here working for me now after being here on and off for well over a year.

The living room centrepiece is obviously the fire and the mantlepiece above it.  Suky loves her little bed in front of the fire, which is rarely switched on by the way.  From this vantage point she can keep an eye on people and dogs passing by the full length window to her left, she can watch what I'm doing in the kitchen and, well just generally keep an eye on things ... and of course an ear open for the rustle of food wrappers anywhere in the Van.

I think my favourite change to the fireplace is the wallpapered surround to the actual fire.  Before I bit the bullet and did this the surround was just smooth and cream, a bog standard caravan fireplace.  Now with just a few off-cuts of wallpaper it makes the fire surround just a little bit more characterful ... and of course it ties in nicely with the wall in the dining area.

The mantlepiece itself has gone through several slight changes over the course of the last few months.  From sparse to over-filled ... always with stuff that is useful as well as decorative ... but at one stage most definitely too full!

Now  though I think I have it just right.

The larger of the boxes contains more nightlights and candles ready for refilling the holders also on the mantlepiece and in the bedroom.  The smaller one is an old money box and is useful for emptying any copper and small change from my handbag or coat pocket into until I can get back to Wales and tip it into the old enamel teapot.  The jug is currently holding some Snapdragons, at just £2.70 from Aldi I couldn't resist their beautiful muted colours.  When there are no fresh flowers it holds a few stems of silk lavender.  And of course the radio at the end means I can listen to Ken Bruce some mornings if I'm in a radio mood, otherwise it keeps the dogs company if I have to go out and leave them for any reason.

Also in the living room, last year I swapped the coffee table that came with the Van for these two cubes.  The coffee table made of its fake wood drove me mad, the whole caravan is kitted out in this contiboard type 'wood' and I really don't like it so wherever possible it is being replaced.

The cubes are great, not perfect as they are awkward to lift and shift when I clear the floor for a yoga session, but they are a firm enough resting place for cups of coffee and a soft enough one for Alan to put his feet up when he's in television watching mood.  And of course they hide a multitude of sins.  The left one has a bottom layer of DVDs and the other one has some magazines and more little coaster mats for visitors to use for their drinks.

So that's the livingroom,  come back tomorrow and I'll let you know how the kitchen is faring up.

Sue xx


  1. This looks absolutely lovely - I could happily live there. Are you intending to ever do so full time?

  2. The Van looks so cosy, Sue and I love that Suki has the optimum position for all her needs!

  3. I love your life in the van I wish I could do something similar as I currently live on my own since my husband died with my little dog in a 3 bed terrace but just wouldn't know where to start getting rid of stuff. Heather

  4. Looks great - just enough and not too much, there is a feeling of calm (and Suky is definitely looking chilled out) 🐾

  5. It does look rather beautiful. You have done a great job there. Cosy, comfortable and stylish too.

  6. You've really made it home from home which is great. My dad had a 32ft 3 bedrooms one and I hated the fitted furniture in it as it was so upright. It looks like you've removed that and put a sofa in, much better.

  7. Looks very smart.

    God bless.

  8. It looks so calm - I love those soft colours. I use a lot of that soft aqua/blue myself (with red in the kitchen) but with navy blue & soft grey in the bedroom - very soothing.
    I'm looking around at my living room and starting to think about moving around some furniture again - however it is going to feel like 46C here today so it will have to wait a few weeks for some cooler temperatures to return.
    Looking forward to tomorrow's post.

  9. A lovely, calm and quiet place. Beautiful.

  10. Nice and peaceful, just as you need. Enjoy the weekend.

  11. I love furniture on castors as it is so easy to move when I need to hoover etc. Could Alan put some on your cubes?
    I also would love to know if your van is residential or Holiday only.


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