Tuesday 30 July 2019

Flowers ... and Can Openers

Glorious flowers. picked from the front little flower bed when I was at home in home in Wales.

It's that time of year when everything is going over, too blousy, too wild, too tangled.  It's hard to appreciate the individual beauty unless you look hard.  So I looked hard and snipped gently ... and brought some in to enjoy properly.

I love the mix of natural,  slightly wild-looking blooms and the delicate rosebuds just waiting to burst open.

In other news back home we are in the midst of can-opener strife again.

Alan can use any type of can opener but I can't use anything but bog-standard Butterfly can-openers.  The little white one is just about manageable for me and I've been using this for the past few days since the old one came apart in Alan's manly hands.

But only until I can get myself a new supply of these.

Sometimes the old designs are the simplest and the best!!

Sue xx


  1. I'm relieved it's not just me! I don't know what it is about can openers but I cannot get to grips with any other than the most basic ones. I prefer an old style potato peeler too. X

    1. Snap, so do I. 🙂

      I was really upset when my last old-fashioned potato peeler fell apart after years of loyal service.

    2. I peel potatoes with a bread knife! Been using the same one for 25 years. Weird, I know!

  2. I have one of the white ones and get on very well with it, but prefer the older ones.

    1. It's not bad, I mean I CAN get the lids off, just about. But the butterfly ones leave the lid attached for drainage, try to do that with any of the others and you are left with a sharp edge to try and drain through.

  3. Can openers are the bane of my life! We've had a succession of them recently and none of them seem to work very well. Although, just like you, husband seems to get on better with them than me.

    The flowers are gorgeous.

    1. I think our last can opener wars was about two years ago, we went through about six different designs trying to find one we were both happy with. The two above survived the cull of totally useless ones and then I found a new supply of butterfly ones.

      I think I'll start a rule that Alan uses whichever one he wants EXCEPT for my butterfly one 😄

  4. My husband, being an awkward bugg*r, refuses to use any of the "newfangled" openers and will only use the little "camping" type which is what he was issued in the Army, and he's sticking to 'em!!

    1. Oh ... I can't use those either ... and actually neither can Alan!

  5. I'm another who can't use can openers. I have an arthritis afflicted fore-finger, with no strength in it, and it's got to the stage where I can only open cans with their own ring-pulls, pulling with my middle finger.

    1. Ring-pulls are a brilliant invention ... but I've had a few come off in my hand and had to revert to a can opener anyway. Perhaps me and cans just don't get on 😂🤣

  6. Being left handed, most can openers are useless for me. We invested in an upright electric one, so much easier and we can both use it.

    1. That sounds like a good idea ... as long as you don't have a power cut at teatime!! 😉

  7. As a lefty, I find can openers horrendous and now, they all seem to hurt my hands.

    1. My brother is a lefty, he's struggled all his life, and with potato peelers ... well that's his excuse for minimal cooking 🤣😄

  8. Being an ancient soul I use P-38 type opener (without folding/hinged blade) - lile Polish army did. It will never break, it doesn't require electricity, it can be used right or left handed and it will always be somewhere other place that you put it last time you used it. Even my oldest has learnt how to use it, he doesn't have much strenght in his hands - he can't open ring-pulls without fork ot other trick.

    1. Gosh, they look lethal, I just Googled them. I'll stick with the butterfly 🤣🤣

  9. I couldn't get on with them either so for many years had an electric can opener which was brilliant. When that gave up the ghost mid open I raced round to my neighbour who leant me her 'Oxo' brand can opener. It was brilliant! I bought one myself instead of a new electric one. No rough edges and easy to use even for my poor old arthritic hands. Only thing you have to remember is to pull of the rubber grips on the handles before washing as otherwise dribbles of water get stuck in them. Savannah.

    1. I just Googled that one too, it looks good. If they ever stop making butterfly's I'll give it a go.

  10. I too prefer the old butterfly ones. I dislike the ones that remove the lid from under the rim leaving a very sharp can edge. The tin actually becomes less rigid....silly idea.

    1. Yes, that what I really don't like. My little white one does that, which is the reason it's only a spare. Without a lid attached it's hard to drain the contents of the can when it's first opened.

  11. I've had a white magican opener for years and just recently wondered if you can still get them! I must say I love it and feel I should perhaps buy another in case the other falls apart on me! x

    1. It's not a bad little can opener, I got mine from Asda during our last can opener emergency.

  12. I have both because some tins, especially of salmon, have a rim lip that is too deep for the more modern opener.Pollie

    1. I think it's tins of salmon that finish our can openers off actually. For whatever reason they are different to most other tins. Cans of beans are a doddle in comparison.

  13. Another leftie here so I do find almost all of them to be very awkward. I use a slightly more heavy duty version of the one you have made by a company called OXO - they make a lot of kitchen type knives and gadgets over here and I do find the quality to be very good. The handle of the old one I had fell apart (the plastic came away from the metal) after many years of use - but I keep it in the pantry as a back up!

    1. OXO seems to be a brand lots of my readers swear by. I'll have to keep my eyes open for them.

  14. I can't use those new fangled can openers! God, I sound about 105! But the butterfly opener is simple, light and is easy to use, what's not to like?

    1. Exactly, sometimes you can't beat the most simplistic of designs.

  15. OXO good grips we used this on a holiday this year and it is the only one we use now. We have had any and everything and found this one to be the best. Thrown all the rest out.

    1. Another OXO convert ... I'll definitely look out for this.


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