Wednesday 17 July 2019

Good Handwriting Days

My office space.

It's amazing what you can do with a mobile, phone, a tablet and a Filofax,  although I have to admit that I haven't gotten round to transferring anything from my my big black desk diary yet.

I will ... on a good handwriting day.  Do you have them too or is it just me.  Days when what you write is actually legible, looks neat and tidy and you enjoy making notes  and getting things in order.

Other days I rush through paragraphs, scrawl numbers down in a rush and basically write things that even I struggle to read back after a few weeks.  At one of my sons junior school parents evenings we were told by my younger sons teacher that his writing was that bad he would either be a doctor, or have to work with computers ... he works on a bank of three or four monitors and a couple of keyboards.

Oh ... did you notice something in the photo ?

Yes, the wallpaper has stayed up this time 😃🤞

I might have invest in a proper desktop computer to celebrate, then I only have to write things down on good handwriting days  💻⌨🖱🖨

Sue xx


  1. Chuckling . . . I have spider-scrawl days and legible days too :)

    Years ago I read something, sadly cannot remember the source, which advised that to calm down your writing on 'bad days' just slow down a millisecond, and instead of only thinking about "writing down words" actually LOOK at the shape of the letters you are making, think of it as an art-form, not hurried calligraphy, imagine you are trying to draw something attractive, not just "throw down thoughts and things which need remembering".

    You don't have to slow down much, but it really works, x

    1. I'll give it a try ... but I'm not promising anything 😉

  2. My han dwriting is shocking. It never used to be but all those note taking meetings did a lot of damage to it, turning it into scribble!

    1. I think a lot of the time with me is that my brain works so fast my hand just can't keep up. Just like being at meetings and trying to get down everything that's being said.

  3. I used to have really neat writing, but two things have ruined it. The first was learning shorthand, which changed the way I made lines and joined letters together. The second is that the index finger on my right hand is badly affected by arthritis, with the last joint very swollen and the finger is 'hooked'. Painful, too, worse on some days than others. My writing is still legible, just what I would call scrappy.

    1. Sorry to hear of your arthritis, such a painful condition. ☹️

  4. With arthritis kicking in, my kids found me a site where I can get my handwriting changed into a computer font so they can still get messages in my writing since typing doesn't hurt as much as writing. The problem is .. I LOVE books, pens, papers .. pretty well anything stationery and typing just doesn't give the same satisfaction.

    1. That site sounds brilliant, what a good idea. Another stationery addict here 😄

  5. I would love to know the name of that site above and I am also wondering whether it would not just be better to slow down enough so that when you write it is legible rather than rushing?

    1. You could try Googling it if Donna doesn't come back on here!

      Slowing down I'd the best idea I think, but my brain works fast ... I need to find a happy middle ground.

    2. The site is:

  6. I do a lot of minute taking and my handwriting starts off ok but as the meetings evolve and discussion/debates increase I find that it ends up more of a scrawl in order to capture everything. My mother was a trained shorthand typist, I am a trained touch typist but sadly the shorthand was like learning another language and I never got the hang of it. Another talent I didn't inherit from my mum.


    1. Snap, another trained touch typist here. The only exam I failed was shorthand, so I switched to audio typing 😀

    2. I was trained in shorthand but also never excelled and in one job had the opportunity to be an audio typist which I quite enjoyed. I still touch type and have been complimented a few times since working on campsites, as it is not generally a skill you would expect to see! I would love my handwriting to be analysed as it is so inconsistent.

  7. This post made me giggle. Yesterday when going through a box of items to decide what to keep and what to toss, I cam across my old grade school report cards (used to have my high school reports as well). Handwriting was one of the subjects and it seems I did poorly at this subject... In looking at my writing today I don't think I have improved much if anything at all. Most days I have terrible writing. Computers are a wonderful invention in my books.

    God bless.

    1. I'll have to see if I have still got my junior school reports, I used to love handwriting lessons in our second year. My writing style has varied dramatically over the years though.

  8. I know exactly what you mean. My handwriting isn't getting any better at all but I'm too long in the tooth to worry about it. Love the wall paper, is it in your caravan?

    1. It is, just one of my little modifications 🙂

  9. My handwriting is terrible, sometimes I have no idea what I have written so I don't expect anyone else to be able to read it. x

    1. Haha ... brilliant 🤣🤣

      I'm glad I'm not the only one.

  10. At the start of a new diary my hand writing is lovely and neat, come December it has that" oh sod it " look about it my shopping lists are the same !!!

  11. Love all the comments♥ As I've aged so has my handwriting:( I had to sign some official paperwork using the touch pad what a laugh that was, it took me about 15 mins to get my signature looking half decent!

    1. They're not the easiest things to sign 🤣

  12. My handwriting has always been awful and I blame my Primary school teacher for it! In those days you still got 'the belt' for bad behaviour but in our class you got the belt for almost anything at all and bad writing was one of them. Of course the more threat you are under the worse you perform so it was no wonder there were quite a few of us quivering in line to get belted. I suppose it must have improved my writing for a short while in her class as I don't remember it more than once or maybe a parent complained or something, although in those days parents didn't do complaining to schools much, but thereafter it went downhill and to this day I struggle to make it legible. Thank goodness for the computer and before it the typewriter!

    1. Yes we had the cane for the boys and the slipper for the girls, and a ruler across the palms of your hands for minor offences. And even if you weren't going to get one of them, the headteacher took great delight in making you stand with the back of your legs as close to his open fire as possible, so that by the time you were told off and the error of your ways explained in great detail, the back of your calves would be glowing red and boiling hot to the touch!


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