Sunday 21 July 2019

A New Hobby

It would be worrying

If it wasn't so bloody relaxing 

My new hobby

Is day dreaming 



  1. Apparently the next generation don't daydream enough because of technology and its daydreams that create the inventions in the world. So perhaps you'll come up with some amazing invention now! Enjoy! x

  2. I am current;y reading a book that muses on just this subject - it's called "The art of the Wasted Day" by Patricia Hampl. It's more of a series of essays around a them. I like to read a couple of chapters before bed as I find it very relaxing.

  3. What a wonderful hobby, it doesn't cost anything, you can do it wherever you want, no special equipment and you make the rules, have a lovely time, Chrissie.

  4. Enjoy your new hobby!!

    God bless.

  5. Certainly a less expensive hobby than many .. that could change if you decide to make the daydreams a reality.


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