Friday 18 October 2019

It's Feels Brilliant ...

It feels brilliant to get my teeth into another Challenge over on my other blog.  I've left it far too long between this new Challenge and my last one.  Life and stuff simply got in the way, but I'm back to doing what I want to do and it feels good.

The new Challenge is called 'For the Price of a Coffee' and the idea behind it is simply to see what else food wise you could buy with the money that you would normally spend on a coffee from a coffee shop or café … which is £2.75 in my case.  So a £2.75 a day spend for either one cup of coffee or  three meals.

In other news I have just been over to the office and paid my Site Fees for 2020, so another year of Van Life coming up.  If you pay as soon as you receive the invoice, or at least before the middle of November you get a £105 discount … definitely worth having so I always do exactly that.  

Thinking about it that's 38 days food at £2.75 a day, more than a month of eating just for paying early!!

Coming back from the office I found a 5p piece on the floor and to quote the old saying  'find a penny pick it up and all day long you'll have good luck'  I picked it up.  I messaged Alan to tell him I'd paid the site fees and mentioned my little find ...  "That's 5 times more lucky than a penny, go and buy a lottery ticket" he said!!

I might just do that  😃

I'm still a real stationery fiend, and just look at this lovely notebook that my Mum bought me from Dobbie's garden centre when we were there on Wednesday … it's almost too beautiful to write in.

But I will,  it could be just the book for a special Challenge next year.  I do like to start a Challenge in January and see how long I can keep it going for.  I'll have to put my thinking cap on.  If I'm missing a little bit from here for the next few days, it's just because I'll be busy updating the Challenge blog twice a day, but I will be back, promise.

Sue xx


  1. I love following your challenges Sue - although I admit that I'd do the whole amount for one week at a time if I was to try it. If I buy a daily coffee it's $2.25 so just $11.25 for the 5 days (only get it on the way to work). Over here I certainly wouldn't get very much for that by way of food!
    Your amount would equate to about $4.25 a day here so $21.25 for 5 days - I might actually be able to work with that....

  2. What a pretty notebook - I would have to force myself to write in a new one too.

    Good luck with your challenge. We don't drink coffee at all, let alone out, and only occasionally have a cup of tea if we are out somewhere for the day (like today's auction). So I think I would soon starve!!

  3. Well, I rarely go out and buy coffee and when I do it's at a local place.....a franchise in the US, called Cumberland Farms, and coffee, any size, is $1.06 Not sure what food item I could buy with that.
    But your saying about finding a penny and picking it up brought me right English mother said that ALL THE TIME.

  4. I love stationery too. I remember when we started a new term at school and we used to have to cover our exercise books. I loved doing that. I used to collect wall paper from neighbours.

  5. Love the new notebook, another one who love stationery items. We rarely have coffee outside so I'm guessing it would be $4.50 for a regular flat white, shopping at Aldi you could get a good selection of food for $4.50. Loving this challenge it really does make you stop and think, thanks Sue xx

  6. As Margie says the cost of food here in Canada is crazy, and we (or at least I in my small city) don't get much in the way of yellow sticker finds. I will however live vicariously through your challenge.

    God bless.

  7. I love stationery too, Sue, but stay away from stores selling it because I know a notebook or two, pretty papers and envelopes would inevitably come home with me!! I do often request it in my Christmas stocking though. Good luck with your challenge; I don't drink coffee and always think it saves me a fortune until I remind myself that I am rather partial to chocolate:D


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