Monday 7 October 2019

Simple Things

It's the simplest things

That makes life the richest

Give me an old bookstore any day over a shiny retail park with all those things that you didn't know you needed until you saw them ... and brought them home.


  1. Simple and uncomplicated, just how I like things. It's all those outside influences we are subjected to that complicate things. But the older I get the more blinkered I become.

    1. Sometimes blinkers are wonderful things ♥️

  2. Old book stores can unearth hidden treasures, I love to see books with pencilled notes with readers musings and comments and little personal messages. My late Father was a bookworm and historian, he was often finding gems inside books, one in particular he gave to me, it was a letter written in 1847 by a William Lawrence to his wife whilst on board a paddle steamer on the Mississippi , I researched the writer and found him to be a surveyor of Memphis at the time, through the power of google I found his descendent, I rang him in America and told him I had this letter and would he like it, he was thrilled, he told me that the local library had a portrait of the man and that he would have the letter put with it, I kept a photocopy for me. The gentleman sent me a lovely letter of thanks and a cd collection of Elvis, apparently he knew the owner of Graceland before Elvis bought it and spent time there visiting. All this through a second hand book.

  3. Agree with what you say - and a lovely story from Chrissie too.


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