Wednesday 9 October 2019

Can I Ask

How I hate those three little words ...

'Can I ask ...'

If you have to put them before what you want to ask me

NO you can't

Be strong

Just ask

Simple as


  1. I am in complete Agreement! I'm with The Girls too! *Winks* Sorry you've been getting a lot of spam comments, lately I've started getting some too... so annoying!

    1. Sooo much spam in blogland these days. Sort of an 'occupational hazard'. 🤣🤣

  2. I always think 'of course you can, that's not what you're asking. You mean 'May I ask'
    But then I am pedantic!

    1. Haha ... bad English and bad punctuation drives me batty. Unless it's someone with English as a second language, then I'm just in awe 😃

  3. I must admit to having a low self esteem and can often hear myself saying those other few words _ "do you mind if " and I'm sorry to bother you _but_", I thought as I got older I would get over this, but not yet. I can stand up for other people and will fight a cause but when it comes to me it's different, even when I know what I want to say is ok, what a wimp I am. I do know what makes me feel like this but it's something I can do nothing about now sometimes when you have been beaten down it's there in the back of your being and every so often just forces its way forward, Hey ho, I have so much to be thankful for so when someone gives me crap I just shovel it up but sometimes a bulldozer would come in handy. I am enjoying your memes, some are so poignant, thank you, Chrissie.

  4. I never ask if I can ask, I just blurt it out. The responses I get aren't always positive. Must learn to engage my brain before I open my gob.

  5. If it is someone I don't know very well, or someone I hold in deep respect I always say "May I ask". Just the way I was brought up.

    God bless.


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