Wednesday 16 October 2019

Posh Wellies and Scaffolding

Sometimes you are simply in the right place at the right time and the fates have something good waiting for you  😃

My Van wellies have sprung a leak, well three leaks to be exact and all at low puddle height.  Not good when you walk dogs up to three times a day most days and the weather gods have decreed the wettest weather this side of Noah's ark building days.

So I needed new wellies and knowing how downright brilliant my bog standard green garden centre wellies are back in Wales, I thought I would pick up another pair on my way past there as I left for the Van yesterday.  They didn't have my size!

But turning to leave the store I spotted three pairs of these wellies lined up in front of the daffodil bulb display.  One pair was in my size, well the size I can get away with as long as I have innersoles and thick socks on … which I will have for Winter obviously!!

Gulp … do I splash out and get posh wellies was my first thought.  

Then I noticed these labels.

Reduced from £44.95 (who pays that for wellies?)  to a slightly less teeth clenching £22.49 … maybe passable, after all they are for dog walking not festivals!!

Then I spotted this … yay my sort of price.

I quickly handed over my tenner and set off on my travels.

Behind me I had left this.

Photographed and here for posterity.

Proof indeed that we are making our house weather proof and saleable.

Oh, and the nice (but dim) scaffolding guys came back last night after their days work and relocated the leg of the scaffolding that was in front of the boiler, so Alan now has heat and hot water.

So do I but I'm in my happy place.  Van Life ... you can't beat it  😄

Sue xx


  1. Bargain Wellies, I would have snatched those at that price, and a nice change from normal wellies with the pheasant on.
    I bet Alan is relieved to have hot water and heat once again.

    I suppose with the scaffold up its seeming more and more real that you will be up for sale soon. All the best with that, really looking forward to hearing your plans.

  2. Those wellies are great and what a bargain! Whenever I wear my wellies (which is often around here) I always think of the Billy Connolly song. X

    1. Haha … yes :-)

  3. Great wellies Sue and what a bargain. I'd love a pair of those - must look out for some. Good luck with weatherproofing your Welsh home. Looking forward to hearing your plans.

  4. Bargain! I should put them on, rush outside and jump up and down in a deep puddle, splashing with glee. I have a pair of much loved pukka Green Hunters, British made, dating back over 25 years [bought by my generous late Father-in-law]. They are beginning to perish...I am alarmed to see that replacements would cost £95. I hope I am as successful as you when Replacement Day finally arrives.

  5. Oh lovely wellies♥ I haven't had a pair of wellies since I was 13 and they were a boring cheap black pair:( Hopefully your Welsh home will soon be weather proofed:) xx

  6. You were lucky and they look nice, too! Continued good luck with the work and your plans. I'm preparing to leave as this building will be tented for termites.

  7. Hooray for finding a marked down item, you _really_ need!!!!!!

    And good luck with getting the house work completed. You say you will be selling.... I'm brand new here, so I don't fully understand the Van. But I will learn. -smile-



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