This enforced time spent at home here in Wales has meant there has been a real need to find useful ways to fill our days. Although Alan is still working full time, albeit from home, he still has the evenings and weekends free, so with me being here rather than at the Van living a totally different kind of life and being here 24/7 at that, not being able to be here there and everywhere in my car visiting Mum, the shops or walking dogs, there has been quite a few extra hours to fill.
We have been using this time wisely, to do all those little jobs that have been put off and put off ... and once they are done there has been a real sense of satisfaction for both of us.
For instance, yesterdays main job was to finally get around to finishing this little area near the gate.
When we first moved to North Wales and started walking the dogs along the promenade and beach at Llandudno, we started to pick up a pebble with a white stripe each time we went. One or two pebbles a week had added up to a nice little collection, one that we had been meaning to add to this area ever since the driveway was completed a couple of years ago. Luckily we had continued to pick up a few more pebbles here and there recently as we needed a lot more than we had!!
Alan had already part filled the area with a layer of concrete a few days ago, and then yesterday he topped it with some quick drying cement and I set too to press in all of the pebbles before it dried.
It was going well, until I ran out of pebbles.
What to do?
I had to think fast.
Then I had a brainwave, and I raided Alan's little stash of old and antique tools and bits and bobs in the box in his workshop!!
He didn't really mind as he saw the lovely effect they created and in fact we loth love it so much we will probably use the rest of his collection at our new address in the future for a similar feature.
Only hopefully next time we will get round to doing it before we are about to sell up!!
Sue xx