Sunday 14 June 2020

Some Days I Am a Goddess ...

One days fruit harvest and eggs - August 2018

Sue xx


  1. These spammers are a waste of space. All we can do in life is TRY!

    1. I changed my settings because my Mum was upset at not being able to comment, but I don't think I'll be putting up with all these spammers for long ☹️

  2. Replies
    1. We have lots this year too, and it promises to be a good year for blackberries looking at all the flowers on the bushes. The only thing is the sheep are eating all the branches that I usually pick from near the fence. I'm not going to be able to reach what's left at this rate 🤣😄

  3. Yes I've noticed plenty of flowers on the blackberry bushes as I've walked about. Have taken note of a particular couple of areas for later in the year. A friend has promised me rhubarb from her allotment.

    1. It should be a good year for blackberries. Homegrown rhubarb is lovely isn't it. It's one of the first 'crops' I'll be planting when I move ... along with an apple tree 😃

  4. I have never grown anything edible (shocking I know) but have been gifted a tomato plant so fingers crossed! I missed the spam I'm pleased to say. I love rhubarb!

    1. It usually gets deleted at source, but I changed the settings and some snuck through. My email inbox is full of their drivel, rudeness and links ☹️😡

  5. Agree with that sentiment - if we at least "try" we are probably doing better than most. Too much perfectionism tends to just stop me in my tracks, and frankly, it can be boring. Have some fun and make a bit of a mess now and again, have a laugh, and start again.

    I finally found some rhubarb in the shops a couple of days ago although it was expensive. I stewed it and got it into the freezer. I now have a jar of lovely rhubarb juice in the fridge - I'm going to get som sparkling water today and add some of the rhubarb juice to it for a lovely boost in flavour.

    1. Exactly 😃

      Rhubarb juice makes such a beautifully coloured and tasty drink with sparkling water doesn't it.

  6. This is the first positive post I have read today so thank you for that Sue

    1. If we don't try and stay positive I think we'll all go do-lally 😬😬😬

  7. They are a bloody pest, I'll be changing my settings back as soon as I'm on the computer 🥴


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