Wednesday 27 May 2020

Bread, Crackers, Crisps

Thanks for all the lovely comments yesterday 😃

Someone asked me last night if I actually have a bread bin that I use for bread ...

... amazingly, yes I do 🤣 

And it even says bread on it, and it is just the right size to hold one loaf of bread, and when some of the bread has been eaten I can squeeze in a couple of bread rolls too.

I have been very impressed with the amount of bloggers and blog readers that are baking their own breads and sourdoughs at the moment, this lockdown seems to have turned so many of us into a country of bakers and cake makers.  

You can see from the photo at the top of today's post that I have not made a loaf for a long time !!

I put another order into Deliciously Ella the other day, while the offer for free postage and 10% off was in place again.  This time it was some more Peanut Butter flapjacks and some of the Cacao ones for me to try, as well as three boxes of the little crackers for dunking into my homemade hummus.

While I was in ordering mood I ordered a box of Ten Acre cheese and onion crisps off Amazon, it's the only way I can get hold of them at the moment.  One box of 18 bags does last me well over a month so I think I'm justified in my extravagance.  There are not many cheese and onion flavoured snacks without dairy in them in one form or another (for obvious reasons 😆) and it was always my favourite flavour.

Sue xx


  1. If cheese and onion were the only flavour of crisps I'd never eat crisps again!! Smokey Bacon or plain are my favourites!

    I learned to make bread in 1980 and have been making it down the years. Less when the kids were small and my time was more than spoken for but we haven't had shop bought bread for several years now (apart from the occasional loaf of cranberry and nut bread my husband likes). Must find a recipe for that.

    Yesterday it was my first home-made Pittabreads - I had one as a midnight (well, 1.30 a.m.!) feast and won't ever buy them again from the shops.

    1. I used to make lots of homemade bread, as you will no doubt remember, but Alan would eat far too much of it, not good if you are a diabetic. So I stopped and I have simply never got round to starting again.

      I doubt his self control has gotten any better!!

  2. I avoid crisps like the plague because once I start, I just keep on. I love them so much!

    1. Which is why I buy these little bags, then there's no danger of me munching my way through a family sized bag all by myself 🤣🤣

    2. Same here, Joy, though I do cave in every so often. Buying a pack of six little bags would not make them last any longer, I would demolish them three at a time, on the same day. I love Pringles, especially the sour cream ones, I dare not buy them, because the whole tube would be scoffed. Once started can't stop.

    3. Don't talk to me about Pringles ... I'm sure they are designed to more so moreish. The flavour and the shape mean they are completely addictive. AND the little plastic lids are an ideal size to cover the little Gu pudding pots ... another reason to keep buying them ... occasionally!!

  3. I had a look at some Deliciously Ella food in the freezer at Tesco, thinking I might give it a go. Very expensive and small portions, I decided not to bother.

    1. I have tried a few of them when they've been on offer and the Thai Yellow Curry is gorgeous, the Shepherds Pie type one topped with sweet potato is VERY sweet, much too sweet for me. Yes, her things are expensive but her books and her phone App show you how to actually make them for yourself if you want to.

      I do it both ways, I've actually just started preparing her Chickpea Quinoa and Turmeric Curry for our tea tonight. Looking at the ingredients I have out on the worktop at the moment I guess there's about £2 worth of stuff to make enough portions for 6 people. If you bought 6 of the Thai Yellow Curries at the full price of £3 each that would cost you £18. It's the old adage that if you make it yourself you can a save a fortune ... or you can occasionally be a lockdown lazy bugger like me :-)

  4. Great supplies there. I go through fads of wanting savoury. I think it's a texture thing with me. Then I need sauces on food. Wierd, I know.

    1. Then I'm just as weird as you, as I'm exactly the same :-)

      I also go through periods of wanting exactly the same thing for lunch day after day or pasta EVERY night for tea ... much easier to do when it's just me at the Van, Alan loves variety!!

  5. Another crisp addict here. Most of the time I avoid having them in the house, but just sometimes........ !

    1. Yes, sometimes you just HAVE to don't you ;-)


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