Tuesday 19 May 2020

Loving Blog World at the Moment

I'm loving Blog World at the moment.

  Alan is away all week and seems to have taken the 'pot washing fairy' and the 'bed making fairy' away with him.  So as I stood washing the pots last night I was thinking about blogging and what a brilliant support network blogland is at the moment. 

We seem to be a band of mostly happy souls sorting out our lives, moving on, staying the same and all writing almost daily posts chatting away to each other about this and that and generally putting ourselves and the world to rights.  

I really do think we are keeping each other sane.

Yes, it's true the trolls, idiots, spambots, wankers and the tosspots of society try to spoil things in the comments sections every now and then ... but I think we are all coping.

Some blogs you visit and you know what to expect, a nice anecdotal read, an essay on day to day life with humour and occasional pathos thrown in for good measure.  Some are hard at work in gardens or on DIY (I applaud you), struggling with home-schooling and some are slowing down to a tv watching cosiness that is very comforting to read about.  Most are trying to keep a level of routine of sorts, and some are trying out new things and letting us know about successes and failures with great amusement on their part.  There are a few exercising away and walking as far as they can and generally keeping as fit as possible within the boundaries that we have all been set and some that have said 'bugger it, I've had enough'.

And I love reading each and every one.  

Me ... well I write about this and that almost daily, and have a lovely bunch of folk that comment and query and generally keep me on my toes either in the comments section or via email ... and I thank you all for the visits.  

One thing for sure though I'm never predictable, I think I bounce around from subject to subject in a way that is very organic and that amuses me when I look back over old posts, but it gets all those things that are trapped in my brain out there for the world to wonder at.

Sue xx


  1. Thank you for your blog contributions to my life. I always enjoy reading about your thoughts, views and exploits. My life would be poorer without them and those of everyone else I read each day.
    Again, thank you.

  2. Thanks for your blog. Like you, I enjoy reading the ones which cover the diverse topics of ordinary life. And right now, it is good to hear that blogfriends are coping - ad to share the ordinary moments of our days which keep us connected. Keep well, keep safe, be kind :)

  3. Thank you for writing your blog, I read it every day and I love reading about Suki, Mavis and Ginger, I am the one who asked where you bought the Amazon Echo from well I bought one just in time before they went up to £49, so thanks Sue but my what a job getting it was to get it working as my iPad was too old to support the app but thanks to my son for a list of instructions which I actually managed to follow it is now up and running
    Take care x

  4. I agree, blog posts have subtly changed to a more inward gentle conversation on daily life under these new restrictions. It had been a pleasure both reading and writing on simple pleasures and achievements.

  5. I'm glad you are finding something to write about - I can't think of a thing to say at the moment!

    1. Sue in Suffolk,I always love your daily blog....just as much as I love this one!!.You are both lovely ladies and it is like being one big happy family!.Thank you all to all you bloggers that are keeping us sane through these hard times.Love to you all,xxx

  6. I just love your blog posts Sue and they help to keep me sane. It's something to look forward to every day to catch up with your activities and thoughts. Marvellous blog - thank you.

  7. I love reading my favourite blogs and have even become more confident about commenting and voicing my opinions. Keep up the good work bloggers!

  8. I read blogs but don't always comment. Life is so much better now I have tinkered with the nuts and bolts of who can comment. I don't need negative, nit picking insults in my life. I like your blog.

    1. There are always the titheads around in blog world unfortunately, we just have to find ways to weed them out. I'm glad it's working for you this time. And thank you ... praise indeed coming from the mistress of the blog ;-)

  9. I think you will at last find your true blogging feet now that you do not have to be wary of what you say. You can finally say it as you want to say it with no consequences.

  10. We can certainly be glad that we have the world of blogging at the moment.

  11. I so enjoy your blog and a few others that I follow, I sometimes leave a comment and it is often something I need to say out loud but can't to anybody I know. I would love to have my own blog but have no idea how to set it up, my laptop is my friend, my escape,my own little world, it has helped me stay sane over the last few years especially with my son's illness, sitting for hours at his bedside in hospital or in the hotel at night on my own. I thank all you bloggers who make me laugh, cry, ponder and wonder at life, Chrissie x

  12. This post seems to echo exacly what I have been thinking. Thank you!

  13. I think the blogging world I inhabit is like a family - I am familiar with people's "back stories" and it's lovely to read how everyone is carrying on as normally as they can, despite the restrictions (and if we allow ourselves to watch the news, the fears too.) We all have the occasional wobble, which is to be expected, but the support we all have from one another is so healing.

    What can't be ignored, must be endured - that's a phrase I remember from my school days. Someone got it spot on! Meanwhile, let's keep on blogging.

  14. I totally agree about Blogworld being good for us bloggers. And I love the way you describe your blog thoughts as organic. I have been blogging for about seven years I think and many of the folk I blog with now I have always been in contact with. Occasionally I add a new one but rarely remove anyone - I think of you all as my extended family and now that I live alone I get great comfort from you all - and when I have occasion to meet any of you it is an extra bonus. I wouldn't give it up for the world.

  15. I love reading all the lovely blogs and commenting with the friends I have made through them. I have no doubt blogs and those friendships have helped to carry me through these difficult covid days. Although I finally worked up the nerve to start a blog I am still having trouble finding my blogging feet. It is easy for me to comment on blogs but not so easy for me to write my own when it seems there is nothing to write about. I'm not giving up yet though.

  16. Blogland is a support network. We all read a variety that offer different things. I am struggling a little at the moment, I think I have a touch of cabin fever. But I'll keep reading, commenting and supporting where I can.

  17. I agree with your comment about blogs keeping us sane! That is definitely true for me as I read through blogs each day. I also feel that reading blogs from around the world has helped connect us all. Hearing other's stories has taught me to think before I say (or write) something unkind or to speak out when I hear of an injustice. We find what we have in common; instead of trying to tear us apart. Thanks so much for blogging, Sue.

  18. I love reading blogs and my husband has now come to understand who my blog friends are now! He used to say 'who are you talking about' now he just says 'blog friend?'! I've just started blogging again after a long break from it. I kept a private blog for my own 'diary' use, but I recently decided to get back into it again to see how it goes. I enjoy putting down my tuppenceworth, hopefully the keyboard warriors will stay away! Love reading your blog. x

  19. I read many many blogs every day and really enjoy reading about other peoples lives. I don't comment very often but still always read. I don't post on my own blog very often as I can't really think of anything interesting to say! It always amazes me that some post every day and have something interestin to say.

  20. I am also enjoying reading the blogs I go to look at every day, it is like a link to the outside world and different blogs meet different needs. Some I learn from, some make me think, some challenge my thinking and some make me feel as if I am chatting to friends, some make me laugh,some posts have made me cry and some all of the above. I am only sorry it took me so long to start commenting. Helen S.

  21. What a wonderful post! I love visiting new blogs and my regular haunts too. Each and every one is different and brings something new to the day :)

  22. Much appreciation for the work you and other bloggers do. Only just retired last year so never started my own blog. Between a wicked long commute, business travel and work, I was gone 12 hours a day or more with absolutely no energy left for much else. Not missing it! Have enjoyed reading your blog--so, thank you.

  23. Thank you for years of blogging. I may be the sole American here but I've always enjoyed your posts.

    1. Oh you are most definitely not my only American reader, there are quite a lot of you :-)

      If you study the little revolving globe on the sidebar when you are on my blog you might see some others from the USA while you are here. I'm usually amazed by the amount of Australian readers on during our Welsh daytime ... surely they should be tucked up in bed!!

  24. Hello, I hopped to you from Sue up at Kamo lady, we live in the same country down here in NZ. ...Yes, blogging friends, comments, posts, photos, we all do receive so much from everyone world wide, and are a huge band of troopers as we navigate the precarious road through the Covid 19 jungle. " This and That " from you to each of us is so important, and sometimes I have tears, asx I read of sad events, a family member or a pet dying, then the happiness posts, and the ones that give me a smile. I will visit you again./ We are in Autumn or your Fall down here, frosts in the early mornings, warm days, and darker evenings as we near our winter solstice.

    1. Oh we still call it Autumn here in Wales, and the whole of the UK :-) It's my favourite season, we are heading out of Spring which is my second favourite into Summer ... which I don't really like much. I like being cool and avoid the sun like a thing possessed even though I obviously catch it a lot out on the veggie beds.

      Welcome to my blog, it's wonderful how we all find each other and in the process fall down a rabbit hole of wonderfully large blogging proportions. Xx

  25. I enjoy reading your blog with a little bit of envy as we lived in Holyhead for seven years. Came to North Wales on holiday two years ago and actually drove past your home. We were supposed to be coming again this year but I don't think it will happen.

    I found being on lockdown difficult - no motivation to do anything no accountability - so decided to set up a blog myself to encourage me to do things. I don't post every day as I am in a strict learning curve on how to do it. Have put some photos on of the garden. If you want to have a look it is www.pastorswife69.com

    Sometimes I don't agree with what someone has said on a blog but would NEVER make a nasty or critical comment.

    Hope you are ok and Alan is safe working away.

    1. Well if you do get to visit Wales again this year and I'm at home and not the Van you would be more than welcome to stop for a coffee ... social distancing observed. Hopefully the house will be on the market in the next couple of weeks, but it could be a while before it sells, so I am quite happy to give folk a guided tour while I'm here.

      Alan is fine thanks, the company he is working for has exceptional social distancing in place ... it has to if any of it's key workers had to be off there could be a national emergency!!


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