Tuesday 14 July 2020

Apple Crumble for Breakfast

Here at the Van my breakfasts are a bit erratic to say the least.

Recently I've gone off the idea of having just porridge or just cereal and have started switching things up a bit, but this mornings early offering took the biscuit, or should I say took the crumble.  I was half way through a little yoga session ... ooh look at me all fitness and light, it happens once in a lethargy inspired blue moon ... when I suddenly realised how hungry I was.

Downward dog started being a meal planning three minutes, and I decided that I fancied something apple-y.  Now that could have been a much more 'normal'  apple slices and yoghurt or apple and Weetabix, but no my brain said APPLE CRUMBLE, yep out loud and very clear.

So apple crumble it was.

After a quick shower I prepped three of the lovely red Gala apples from the fridge.

Eyeballed a bit of crumble mix, adding lots of oats ... because yes this was for breakfast!!

And quickly put together an apple crumble.  

I decided to be good and while the oven was on for my slightly unorthodox breakfast I would utilise the heat and also cook myself as a couple of the Aldi meat-free sausage rolls for my lunch, they are lovely by the way and even meat eating Alan really likes them.

I was going to have my crumble with some of the coconut yoghurt I have in the fridge, but then I spotted the dairy-free single cream dupe and thought why not.

Why not indeed ... what a brilliant way to start the day  😁

Sue xx


  1. Now you've got me fancying apple crumble 😂

    1. Go for it ... 5 minutes to prep and 25 to cook. There you are Apple Crumble :-)

      (If you've not got any apples, a tin of peach slices works brilliantly well.)

    2. Sadly I was at work at the time! Got plenty of apples so think it will be on the menu at the weekend. Your a bad influence lol

    3. Haha ... I try my best 😉

  2. After my exercise this morning, which I now do five days a week since the 8th of May. (See very large halo above my head). lol, I had stewed apple and vanilla yogurt. I felt so good. However I have just spoiled it by having fried eggs etc for my lunch! But to hell with it I enjoyed it, just like your apple crumble a little of what you fancy does you good. Helen S.

    1. Gosh the brightness, she says standing far, far back and donning sunglasses ... lol. Good for you :-)

      I meant to turn lockdown into a 'get fit be great for Summer' type of thing, but instead I JUST DIDN'T. haha!!

  3. Once I decide I'm hungry, that's it. I couldn't have waited half an hour to prep and cook something.

    1. Shhh ... I had a sneaky slice iyf toast with peanut butter and a coffee while I waited 🤣

  4. It’s nice to mix things up a bit and please yourself sometimes.After all you were exercising and it is one of your five a day.

  5. Why not - your body tells you what it needs. Oats in the crumble must be nearly as good as made into porridge.

    1. So I basically had porridge and fruit, breakfast of kings 😃

  6. I have that sort of brain too - comforting to know that it is not only me.

    1. Haha ... nope, I do believe there's quite a few of us 😃

  7. That looks and sounds so good and hey - you had your oats and fruit and that is a healthy meal!

    1. Exactly, that's just what I thought 😃

  8. MY stomach is growling - and I'm drooling. Do you deliver?

  9. Definitely it's a Good Thing to listen to your brain! Mmm - apple crumble. Lovely.

    1. And ... I have leftovers. There could be an action replay tomorrow 😄

  10. Sounds delish, my Mum used to make rhubarb and Apple crumble always with cream, a special treat with 4 kids to feed.
    I have porridge in the cold weather and like to cook up a big batch of stewed apples with cinnamon and a little honey for a weeks supply to put in the porridge....yummm

    1. I have a huge stash of bottled stewed apples back home in Wales, brilliant for rustling up an even quicker crumble or porridge topping, but here at the Van there were just apples in the fridge. Oh and there's also the rhubarb patch, as soon as I have my own little garden I will be plating some rhubarb. I bet you kids loved your Mum's crumble :-)

  11. Now I want an apple crumble.... Must bake one tomorrow at some point.

    God bless.

    1. It's so quick to do, I really don't know why I don't do it more often.

  12. I have that Alpro single cream on my porridge here in New Zealand. The crumble looks good.

  13. Replies
    1. It really was ... and leftovers too :-)


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