Friday 17 July 2020

Caravans on the Move

With my Van being on the corner as you drive into the caravan park ... currently the only way to drive into the caravan park itself due to the back gates being closed for Track and Trace requirements ... I get to see all comings and goings.  One of the most fascinating is when the guys are playing 'musical caravans'.

Caravans are moved around the park for lots of reasons, sometimes the owners just want a change of scenery ... the riverbank pitches are a firm favourite, or they want new neighbours or to be nearer the amenities.  And for the sum of around £800 you can have your van repositioned into any available space wherever you want on site.  It costs that much as it involves disconnecting, and reconnecting to the mains services, repositioning of your TV aerial or satellite dish and of course the safe transportation of your Van from point A to point B so this also includes the insurance for your van being on the move .  All this takes two men a good couple of hours to achieve.

Other reasons for vans being towed past my window include total removal from the site for older vans, they are usually taken across the river if they are very old and either sold on to be a building site office for a cheap price or they are broken down completely for disposal.

Sometimes people will part-exchange their old van for a new model, bought through the caravan park owners and the game of musical vans means old out and new in to the same space on the park.  And sometimes there is a mass bring on, something that happens every few years when the caravan park owners upgrade their small fleet of van rentals for ten new models.  Part exchanging the older ones to the people on the park that have even older models that they want to replace.

A caravan being moved past my Van is always brought to my attention as it is done to loud cries of  'left hand down, left hand DOWN, LEFT HAND DOWN, now right hand down.  With the instruction getting louder and more insistent as it is repeated.  The driver of the Landrover is instructed by the guy walking backwards in front of him with a better view of whether the 38ft long Van is about to take out a guttering or snag on a corner, so shouted instructions are vital for the safety of everything and everyone in the caravans path. 

This one moved past without a mishap and is currently now parked outside the office, I'll walk Suky past later and have a nosey to see if it is for sale.  The person that had this one now has a brand spanking new model parked in the same place that this one came from.

Doggy walking around the caravan park is always a game of  'Oh is that new? That's nice, I wonder where the old one is?  Things here can change on an almost daily level.

Oh and look what I found in the bin when I was putting out my rubbish bag yesterday.  Far too nice to stay in the bin and be smashed and ultimately end up in landfill.  So I rescued it.  I have no idea what I will do with it but it's far too pretty not to live on in another life.

Sue xx


  1. My father bought a 3 bedroomed caravan at Kessingland for him and my mothers retirement. He chose it in the October ready to go on the pitch in March. Unfortunately my mother died early March aged 68 and never got to spend any time in it. The family rallied round and we tried to use it as much as possible for the next few years. We made lots of good memories but it was eventually sold when dad had to give up driving. Love the bowl, it's quite unique.

  2. I'm always amazed at how such huge things can be moved into such small spaces. Great skill.

  3. No need to pay big prices to see a play or game..just look out your window for the best entertainment. Lovely container ..doggy waterer, bird bath,small garden tool holder.

  4. Agree about that pretty bowl Sue. Interesting to read about folk moving their vans and how careful they have to be. The people who live opposite me have a motor home which they keep neatly parked under a tree in their garden, well out of the way. The other day they decided to go to Scarborough for a week or two on holiday. As P drove out there was a loud ripping sound and the lower branches of the tree had pulled away part of the roof. It is now repaired and they are away but it did cause a couple of days delay.

  5. I guess you always have something interesting to see with vans being moved! It sounds like you are in a very popular park with lots of people coming and going. That dish is too cute to throw out. It could be a fancy food or water dish for Miss Suky!

  6. I'd love to take a look around some of these super vans:) Good job rescuing the bowl, straightaway I thought it would look lovely as a planter, can't believe someone was throwing it away:(

  7. My parents lived in a park similar to yours for many years and it was a lovely location. They were "grandfathered in" to stay year round but later expansion was for seasonal only. When they first started out they had one similar to yours but later expanded to a "double-wide". There would be similar movement in their park as well and it was always interesting to see what the new ones looked like.

  8. Kind of reminds me of when I had to give Harvey directions when parking our camper....

    Love the bowl.

    God bless.

  9. Loving the planter, never ceases to amaze me what folk throw away.

  10. Your rescued bowl is lovely.

  11. Your find would look pretty with a trailing plant inside. I like the idea that you can move your homes around to get a nice view or if you don't like the neighbours!

  12. I love that bowl. Good on you for rescuing it. I can identify with your interest with the moving. The 'lodges' that we stay in in Brixham are 20ft wide and 40' long. Last year we spent a whole morning watching two being moved into place (two parts to each) and being lined up and joined. No easy task, but It was fascinating!


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