Friday 18 February 2022

A Famous Shed and Dudley


Photo Credit - Michael Coleran -  Dudley over Garstang  😉

Storm Dudley got us good and proper last night, it was wild and noisy with gusts going on for hours, although there was a weird lull for an hour in the middle before it built up again just in time for bedtime.  

I gave up trying to wedge the wheelie bins in place when they came knocking at the door numerous times and eventually left them lying on their sides with the lids pressed against the wall to stop the contents flying out.

Our neighbour got home from work and accidently opened her briefcase (just how do you actually do that?) and papers flew out.  Luckily she managed to catch most of them but one important piece of paper blew over the back fence between our gardens.  So her husband phoned Alan ... who was in Berkshire ... who then phoned me to let me know the neighbour was about to knock on the door to ask for his piece of paper back.  What a roundabout way to do it, why not just knock on the door?

Anyway it was all sorted and we got off a lot lighter than some people, although local roads were blocked for a while with fallen trees.  Massive thanks to all of the services workers who go out in atrocious weathers to put these sort of things right and keep our towns and villages safe.

My little shed is famous!!

I am currently catching up on some magazine reading and earlier this week I made a start on the January edition of  The Simple Things subscription I have.  I should have looked much earlier because look what I found ...

... I guess I'll have to cut out and keep this for posterity.

I think we have all our magazine appearances from our former new life in the country in Alan's office somewhere, but I don't think this needs to join them.

*** *** ***

Thank you for all the wonderful comments on yesterdays post.  It would seem we are all of the same mindset and they were wonderful to read while I sat at the breakfast bar that is now my mini office space clutching a massive cup of coffee.  Suky snoring rather loudly in the background made it feel very cosy in here while the wind blew even more loudly outside.

Sue xx


  1. Well done for getting your shed in the simple things I used to love reading it. Then sadly it got too pricey. Yes some people have an odd way of asking for things back instead of just being straight to the point.
    I have heard you have had a few storms, I hope you are all ok . Bean is my unborn child I am 5 1/2 months gone and feel like a whale!! Take care and be safe.

    1. I was 95% sure Bean was your little one, but didn't want to put my foot in it. My niece is having a baby in a couple of months and her is named Bear at the moment, I almost hope she calls him (if he is a he) Edward, then he can always be Bear or Teddy. :-)

      Yes, The Simple Things is expensive isn't, it's mostly because they are a small publishing company that started out independently and at first refused as many adverts as they could afford too. I discussed this with them when I met the co-founders at a trade show. I have noticed that the adverts have increased over the last couple of years, but it's a good read and on subscription it makes it just about bearable.

    2. I read the Simple Things online via Press Reader. Our council offers it as part of the library service - you just login with your library card details. Most, if not all, libraries offer digital magazines and newspapers; some use press reader and others just let you read a magazine in your browser. It's well worth investigating. I certainly get to read some magazines that I couldn't afford to buy.

    3. Jane that's really not for me, I don't think I could even begin to read a magazine on my phone or computer, it's the holding something you are reading in your hands and turning the pages that is the thing I love.

    4. In japan it is 10.00 a copy!! i used to love reading it mum gets me copies from the charity shop when she can find them. Yeah I noticed the advertisement rate when my sister sent me hers . I don’t care if it’s in so so with such a brand it’s still an advertisement!

  2. Dudley didn't really impact much here but today is supposed to be a lot more intense.
    That is an absolutely amazing photograph of Garstang - wow.
    And fame at last, eh? How nice to see it there.

    1. It is a very cleverly doctored photo. Michael is a local photographer who photographs events in and around Garstang and he kindly gave me permission to share his image away from our closed Garstang group.

  3. How exciting to have your lovely little shed featured in that very cool looking magazine.
    That first photo is spectacular. I'm glad you managed to escape unscathed. I'm currently glued to the BBC watching what's going on all around the country. Two sets of friends are due to fly from Birmingham airport this morning, I've just checked the departures, one flights gone and the other is delayed for a couple of hours. I bet the flight times will be significantly reduced today! xxx

    1. Oh gosh, I would hate to be travelling by plane or boat today. Fingers firmly crossed that your friends arrive at their destination safely. Even trains have been cancelled all over Wales today so it's amazing that people can still fly through the storm.

  4. I have to tell you Sue about my latest favorite tv program. It's called "Mighty Mike" on CBBC'S. Yes it's a cartoon but when ever I see it I think of Suky well more like Suky's brother. If you get chance to watch it do it's a laugh of good v baddies which are 2 useless raccoons. I know I am 65 but it gets me.

    1. I'll have to look for that one, for obvious reasons I don't watch much CBBC'S... haha.

      The dogs will love it for sure, they somehow can even recognise cartoon dogs, something we didn't think would be possible until we sat and watched the original 101 Dalmatians with them which is basically moving coloured pencil sketches.

      We are NEVER to old to watch cartoons, Alan especially LOVES them.

  5. Wow - famous shed!

    Dudley didn't really happen over here in the East, we shall see what Eunice does - the wind is picking up now and I'm as ready as possible but may miss my woodburner and LPG hob if the electric goes off.
    Stay safe indoors is the thing to do today

    1. I've really missed the log burner, much more than I thought I would. I even looked into the cost of having one installed here, but it would cause a lot of upheaval and cost a fortune. I may have to move house again!!

      After the last lot of power cuts when I realised that we really are ALL electric I bought a small camping hob and some gas cannisters ... I will not go without coffee again ;-)

  6. Did you send that in or someone else? I think your shed is lovely, we haven't got one now.

    1. I emailed to ask if they would be interested and they emailed straight back with a very firm yes please.

  7. Congrats on the lovely little article about your shed. Sorry I seem to have missed yesterday's post - great comments.

    Hope you are not experiencing Eunice as much as Dudley.

    1. Eunice seems a lot more sporadic. Dudley built and built had a one hour lull and then came back with a vengeance. The comments were brilliant weren't they.

  8. I get that magazine so have just found mine out didn’t realise it was your shed. I didn’t see a post yesterday. Heather

    1. It was actually on the 16th, sorry to cause confusion :-)

      It's a good readable magazine isn't it. I got it on subscription from the very first issue for a few years and then sold them all. I got tempted back at the start of last year with a two year subscription deal.

  9. IS doctored then! I was agog at the cyclone pictured. Was there lightning? I do have to tell you: Dudley, and then Eunice...the weather needs to settle down for a week until I get there, at least.

    1. No there wasn't any lightening that I know of, just the very high winds and then the rain.

  10. I love the photo of the storm, doctored or not, it's powerful! And well done you for being featured in the mag. You are now officially famous ;)

    Dudley was a bit of a damp squib here but Eunice is a different matter altogether. The wind is terrific and the sporadic rain is cold and drenching. There are loads of tree branches coming down everywhere. I've got candles at the ready. Luckily we have a gas hob so we can, at least, have something hot tonight. Stay safe Sue x

    1. He's good at making his photos look genuine, you should see yesterdays photos of his of Blackpool Tower bending in the wind!!

  11. How lovely that your shed is nowfamous (and much-admired I should think).

    Hope that Eunice hasn't been throwing her weight around too much in your area. We were fortunate not to bear the brunt of it.

    1. She's brought a few trees down and caused some disruption, but we have gotten off lightly compared to some areas. There's thick snow falling as I type this, so we are definitely having a LOT of weather at the moment!

  12. Glad you've been able to retain your wheelie bins. It has been a windy winter here. Seems like every day we have had either a small craft advisory, a wind advisory or a gale watch/warning (by the Chesapeake Bay). Our neighborhood temps are impacted by the US's largest estuary, too. As my DH was driving home from work yesterday, the temps dropped more than 10 degrees over the course of two miles from inland to nearer the bay. This morning we started at 19c at 5:30 am. It's 4c at 2 pm and expected to be -2c overnight. Feels colder due to winds...though, thankfully, not Eunice level winds. Stay safe.

    1. Watching some of the huge passenger planes struggling to land in London yesterday, and one being diverted back to France after several aborted tries was amazing. Something we've not seen in our little country for a long time. The pilot are fantastic.

      Stay safe. xx


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