Saturday 5 February 2022

Just One Days Food


Soup at the computer was actually my second breakfast of the day yesterday, I slurped away while reading and answering all your jar hoarding confessions ... it would seem I am far from alone!!  ๐Ÿ˜„

For some reason I just really fancied using the last of this weeks soup and why not at breakfast, who ever stated that breakfast had to be cereal or toast!!  I had added some of my tiny pasta shells to the pan after I served the soup just plain with the bread at the start of the week.  I felt it needed more body and I'm not always in the mood for a slice of bread with my soup.  This worked a treat.

Although toast was the actual first breakfast of the day a few hours earlier, I can't take my tablet on an empty stomach and one slice of toast is all I can face first thing.

And then later for elevenses I had a 'bacon' butty.  I have been using up the Quorn Smokey Ham slices rather than buying any fake bacon, and they are just as delicious and more versatile too as you can have them on a salad sandwich, or as I did the other day add a torn up slice to a pizza for a hit of smoky flavour.

I've got half a pack left for next week.

After a ridiculous amount of 'breakfasts' I only needed a little baked potato with some butter and cheese for my lunch.  Just enough to stop me nibbling later in the afternoon, or so I thought ...

... but I ended up with a chocolate bar with my coffee  ๐Ÿ˜

After all the days nibbly foods I just wanted something simple for my tea so it was just a question of chopping up a red onion, a few stems of my broccoli and halving some of the cherry tomatoes and sautรฉing them in some olive oil for five minutes.

With one of the pouches of the ready to wok noodles I had a tasty and healthy tea in under ten minutes.

Not a bad day at all and a very tasty one too.

Sue xx


  1. It all looks very scrummy!

  2. A tasty day's food, if somewhat unusually organised. I have only just read yesterday's post about jars. 5 minutes ago I emptied the dishwasher, and realised that I cannot put those two clean jars in the recycling after all... My daughter brought a hamper when she came at Christmas. The chutney and olives were delicious - and the jars are embossed with the words"Fortnum&Mason" and have delightful patterns on their golden lids...

    1. The Fortnum & Mason jars are really nice aren't they and they have nice straight sides usually which is great for getting every last little bit of the contents out. I did find though that their lids are very specific sizes not the usual jam jar size.

  3. I agree, who says we should eat what, when? It's our choice, nobody else's!

    I keep meaning to say, what a great resource having the canal (I assume it's a canal?) just across the road is. A lovely place to walk every day, better than pavements any day. Whenever I see people jogging along pavements through housing estates I just think 'how boring'.

    1. Yes, it is really nice having the canal just around the corner, and very handy for walking the dogs on long or short walks as I can double back with Suky (neither of us can manage very far at the moment) and Alan goes further along and comes out at one or other of the bridges and then back through town, giving Mavis lots of surfaces to walk on and other dogs to meet.

      We don't meet many joggers but there are lots of dog walkers and narrow boat dwellers .... who are all a very friendly lot.

  4. My daughter quite often has miso soup and rice and green tea for breakfast at work she can't face food first thing. Her workmates think she's mad but it takes all kinds.

  5. I too do not understand the concept of breakfast food, lunch food etc. Food is food and you can enjoy it anytime. Yours made me hungry!

    1. It's just something that seems to be drummed into us as children isn't it. Always cereal and milk when we're young moving on to toast etc when we get older.

  6. I love those ready to wok noodles. I can't manage a whole packet in one meal though. I use half, fold the top over and put a peg on it, and it sits in the fridge until the next meal.

    1. They are really handy aren't they, and at Aldi prices a really cheap addition to lots of meals. I'll let you into a secret I once ate both pouches in one sitting ... never again I was SO full :-)

  7. I am a regular 3 meal a day eater - breakfast when I wake up, lunch at noon and dinner around 6 pm. That has always been my routine as it was what I had as a child.
    Your meals always look pretty yummy in your photos!

    1. I do feel better to be honest when I eat three meals a day, but since my back collapse I have been told to eat smaller meals and more frequently as there's less space for my stomach. I'm hoping to get back to just three a day soon though. :-)

  8. When our boys were young, I'd often give them chicken noodle soup for breakfast in the winter. Going to school in -40 weather needs a warm tummy.

    1. Oh yes, a warm breakfast is definintely what's needed at those temperatures. And chicken noodle soup is far healthier than Ready Brek!!

  9. First of all, I am amazed at how many people "collect" jars. I, too, am guilty of saving unusual shaped jars. Aldi had vanilla peaches in a short urn shaped jars for a couple of years at Christmas. We really enjoyed the vanilla peaches (even bought some for Christmas baskets as gifts) and I saved the jars and now they are almost filled with coins. I also purchased pint sized jars (ages ago now)that came in different colors. I have blue, green and purple. Some of which have been used for sugar or sea salt etc. I also save unusual alcohol bottles ie. whiskey or rum just because it seems such a shame to throw into the recycling. When I was a kid, my mom used to put colored water (food coloring) in the unique shaped bottles and sit in the window. Poor mans stained glass decor. I remember thinking it quite beautiful. Regarding eating soup for breakfast - the Asians often eat soup with their breakfast. I have eaten both potato soup and oyster stew for breakfast. Very warming on a cold morning. Beats a piece of toast. Ranee (MN) USA

    1. Coloured water in pretty jars and bottles is a brilliant and nice cheap decorating idea. Clever Mom!!

  10. What tasty foods you've been eating. I admire the way you cook for one so easily. There's two of us, and I still make enough for an army--even though all my sons have been gone from home for years, I can't seem to break the habit. So tonight's leftover roasted potatoes, ham and bread will be breakfast tomorrow. At least we ate up all the peas, don't fancy them for breakfast :)

    1. It took me a while, but I quite like working with small portions. When I do cook for two it tends to look more like I'm cooking for four for some reason. ;-)

  11. Soup on a cold day is very good at any hour. Your veggie and noodle stir fry looks outstanding. Some days, I seem to nibble all day long and breakfast, lunch and dinner have no meaning.

    1. I could literally eat the veggie noodle concoction every night, it's my new favourite meal ... for now.


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