Tuesday 15 February 2022

Confession and Confusion - Missed Shopping Trip

My head just wasn't in the game last week!!

I went shopping on Wednesday, a last minute 'Do you fancy coming to Aldi with me?' from Alan saw me agreeing just so I could get out of the house for a while.  The sun was shining and it seemed crazy to stay indoors when a little five minute trip up the road and away from my desk would make me feel so much better, so we did.

And I shopped.

And I forgot to pick up the receipt.

 Then I put away my shopping.

 It was only when I went into the fridge later and looked at the Spring Onions in their glass jar on the top shelf that I realised ...

 I had also forgotten to photograph the food.

And when I dug everything out and took the photo and then put everything back, then I realised there should have been bread.

I took it's photo!!

Then I remembered we had also gone into Booths for a cup of coffee and when Alan asked me if I needed anything else, I said yes, curry powder as they hadn't had any in Aldi.

I have just sat on the Aldi website and found the prices of all my purchases and it seems that I spent £8.06 in Aldi and my curry powder was £3 ... what!!

At least it towers head and shoulders above it's friends and should last me a while.  😄

And you lot tell me I'm organised!!

Sue xx


  1. Erm yes of course you're organised, Sue - just look at those spice jars! As to forgetting things.....well, most of us bloggers are of a certain age (myself included) aren't we.....so forgetting is simply a fact of life now!

    1. It is a very satisfying drawer of spices to look at isn't it :-)

  2. Hi, I do that all the time! Don’t sweat it! Take care love and hugs, bean is growing nicely

    1. Gosh, my memory has truly gone ... who is bean again?

  3. Never mind, it's not a serious offence! We won't tell anyone

  4. I think the Bart curry powder is money well spent as we always used to get their powdered ginger as it was so much fresher and good flavour. I am sure the curry powder will be the same.

    Sorry that your back is so bad that the only time you go out is to the shops, briefly. I hope that painkillers keep it in check anyway.

    1. I do have good days, but it's a real mix of the breaks and the nerves so I never know which will be which!

  5. Like Sue we won't tell, I like the fact you could have kept quiet and we wouldn't have known but you always tell it as it is which is so refreshing on a blog. Do you still get free coffee at Booths? x

    1. Ah, but I would have known and the guilt would have been great!!

      I prefer to be upfront even if I do go wrong, I am only human ... most of the time ;-)

      Nope, no free coffees since the first lockdown. You can get a coffee and a cake for £4 now, but I usually just have a coffee - Alan pays though so in a way yes I get a free coffee in Booths :-)

  6. Hey we all have our off days! At least you came clean ;)

    I notice the pizza has jackfruit which I've never tried. What does it taste like Sue? I don't like anything which pretends to be meat with an added 'meaty' flavour from something else IYSWIM .... Have you eaten it before?

    1. Oh, don't worry if I slip up I will always come clean :-)

      Jackfruit itself doesn't taste of much ... I believe it's like a very bland mango flavour ... but it is a good carrier of added flavours just as most meats are. It's got a reasonable amount of protein too so it's good to replicate pulled pork or chicken dishes and in a barbeque flavoured sauce is lovely on a pizza or served with rice.

  7. I think we all have days like that - probably because it was a last minute thing and your head just wasn't in the right space. :-) I was in Costco last week for the first time in two years and was surprised at the great prices they had on herbs and spices. I didn't need any at the time but I'll keep it in mind for later - although the way that prices are rising - I'll be using every gram of what I currently have!

    1. I think I was just shocked at the £3 for the curry powder because in the past I have always been able to buy it from the World Foods aisle in either Tesco or Asda, neither of which we have around here.

  8. Everyone has times like that. It doesn't mean you aren't organised, it means you are normal (in case you ever had any doubts)!!!

    1. That's the first time I've been called 'normal' for a long time :-)

  9. Love your spice drawer Sue♥ Like everyone else I do think you are very organised:)

    1. I trialled this way of storing spices at the flat and knew it would work even better here. The other half of the drawer has the cutlery tray, so it's a good use of space. It also means that I can just pull out the drawer to add all my spices to a plate as I'm prepping for a recipe, which is very handy.

  10. Sometimes I buy things over and over again. Like one day I opened the pantry and saw 4 bottles of olive oil..... They have lasted me a very long time.

    You are organized.

    God bless.

    1. The last time I had four bottles of oil it was because Alan told me Olive Oil prices were about to shoot through the roof. I don't know where he got his information from because the next time we went shopping they had plummeted. Haha ... oh well I'm just on the last bottle of it now. :-)

  11. Just a small blip! You are doing great! Keep it up!

    1. No doubt there will be more so I'm not worrying too much ;-)

  12. Spices are so useful though. They can transform an omelette into something quite lovely. Its shocking how just a couple of things can see a Tenner disappear!


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