Friday 18 March 2022

Books as Ornaments


Alan bought me a lovely bunch of flowers yesterday, just a happy thought or a guilty conscience ... we'll see  😄

Anyway they were really colourful, he forgets I like white, lavender and green and just abseils down the route of every colour under the sun.  So to calm things down a little I put most of them in my plain cream jug and rearranged the books underneath it to all white ones.

This books as ornaments thing makes me happy, and as the bookcases around the lodge are all full to capacity and beyond it's very necessary to use them as such.

Also making me happy when I took this photograph early this morning was the sun already streaming into my living room,  and watching The Cottage Fairy on YouTube as she shows us around her new home.

And here especially for Sue ... a clearer look at the titles I chose this time.  💖

Sue xx


  1. They are bright, I agree, but what beautiful flowers. How lovely.

  2. I read a quote once - no idea where when or who....... "Books do furnish a room" - I've been following it ever since!

    Thank you for the close up! Top one is already on order from library. Bottom one is one I had once when we sold country books. Borrowed the Cabbages and Roses one from library a while ago. But now hopping off to see what the Kinfolk one is!

    1. Top one is a real treat for the eyes, the bottom one I've had since it was published and I love the hand drawn images in it. The Kinfolk one is very heavy and takes up a lot of room on the bookcase so it's nice to have it as a 'stack' at the moment.

  3. Fresh flowers are a lovely treat! They look terrific in the pretty pitcher! Well done, Alan!

    1. They are a real treat aren't they, and they look lovely with the sunshine streaming in on them today.

  4. Beautiful and calming. (I’m terrified of people who have no books in their homes. :) )

    1. I know what you mean!! You can a lot about a person by the contents of their book shelves, with none you really wonder about them ... and what they are hiding ;-)

  5. I'm with you on this one. I've never been one for many knick knacks so my hundreds of books are my decor in my fairly neutral apt.

    1. I'd much rather have books than ornaments for sure.

  6. Yes, her new home will be lovely, somewhere to bloom with her fiancé Luke.

    1. I love the slight similarities in the Treehouse to the cabin and it will be wonderful to see how the downstairs develops won't it.

  7. Beautiful flowers, Sue, G has never bought me any in 50 years of marriage!
    Thanks for the nudge. I've watched the Cottage Fairy video. Isn't she calming.

    1. Well I bought Alan flowers before he had ever bought me any so perhaps you could try that :-)

      Yes I've watched her channel from the very beginning.

      I also used to love Fairyland Cottage - - but Niamh has been missing for a while since she had her baby.

  8. The flowers were a thoughtful gift. I've always felt that books brought warmth and comfort to a room.

    1. They were for sure. Books really cheer a space up don't they, and as I do you can play around with the colour of your displays to keep things fresh.

  9. The Cottage Fairy is new to me. Thank you for introducing her. I've spent half an hour gazing at her cottage!

    1. Her old cottage was wonderful and I suspect this new home is going to be just as lovely.

  10. I love the looks of your bookcase and the entire wall with the clock and pictures. You have style!

    The flowers are beautiful! Very thoughtful. The way you’ve described Alan’s colorful decorating style in the past isn’t my taste but I’m with him on these colorful flowers!

    1. Thank you, that's a lovely thing to say.

      Yes, Alan definintely likes COLOUR :-)

  11. I love how the cream pitcher calms down all the colours and actually brings out the purple/blue.

    God bless.

    1. It really does doesn't it, I had them in a green jug ... for about 2 minutes!!

  12. Those bookshelves and the cabinets are just beautiful. And the flowers--perfect.

  13. Those flowers are absolutely gorgeous, I'm not usually a fan of cut flowers but I'd happily make an exception for those - well done, Alan! xxx


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