Friday 4 March 2022

The Last Tomato

Yesterday I made a slight inroads into the No Fish Fillets from Aldi ... I had one on a bun for my tea as I just wasn't that hungry.  They make a nice quick snack as they cook in the Remoska in around 20 minutes and on a bun with some mayo are delicious.  I usually add some lettuce but I have run out of all salad stuff now.

 I had used the last of the salad stuff ... which was a single tomato ... the day that I photographed the contents of the fridge as it just looked so lonely.  It's surprising how even just adding a tomato to a slice of toast makes for a more filling breakfast.  I always cook fresh tomatoes in olive oil with a sprinkle of garlic powder ... yummy 😋 

I hadn't realised that there were four boxes of the No Fish Fillets in the freezer ... that's what happens when you keep putting things in and putting things in without eating through the older contents.  It's oh so easy to buy something you fancy or make something and freeze the excess and then just dip into the top of the drawers and eat those things within a week or two, leaving the older stuff to languish forgotten and unloved.

Now I have it in my head what I have I will build next weeks meals around some of it adding the salad stuff that I have just put onto my shopping list for the weekend.  I do like to have some fresh stuff in, even if the shelves of my fridge look a little bare there's usually food to be had in the drawers.

Sue xx



  1. My memory is terrible, Sue, so I have a little notebook to write things down in when they go in the garage freezer. The kitchen freezer is quite small so I can quickly have a rummage to see what's in there. You inspired me to drive a little further today to go to Aldi for the weekend top up shop. Some things are much cheaper aren't they even though Sainsburys do an Aldi price match on certain things. The only problem is that G takes an absolute age browsing down the centre aisles. At least he didn't buy anything!

    1. Aldi really are so much cheaper. I made a shopping list the other day for the few things I need this weekend and when I checked online the 7 items I needed were £5.55 in Sainsbury's and but only £4.67 in Aldi. Half of them had been price matched and rest weren't.

  2. I do that too - which is why my freezer was full to bursting. It's a bit better now.

    1. It's an easy habit to get into isn't it.

  3. Lately I haven't been doing too badly in getting the freezer cleared out. Well at least one basket of the fridge freezer. I need to work on using up some of the packages on the other side.

    God bless.

    1. Rotating what we have in our freezers is a good idea isn't it, and it's nice to create space to be able to buy more items.

  4. My freezer is so small that I must eat what is in it before making purchases so it is key in meal planning. My pantry shelf is over brimming and not organized at the minute, something I need to work on today.

    1. I think I went a bit mad when I first got the Smeg and filled up all the drawers, it was such a relief to have space for frozen foods again after the tiny freezer at the flat.


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