Wednesday 16 March 2022

Everything was going so well ...


When I don't hear from my sons I know everything in their worlds is going well, and then the other day they both contacted me minutes apart.  I'm used to it and the lack of contact doesn't faze me at all, we all plod along in our own little worlds and connect when we need to ... it's just a boy thing.

The sudden double messaging and wanting to talk to Mum was a real 'sh*t hitting fan' moment for sure!!  

Are you allowed to put your boys up for adoption when they reach 35 and 41 ... no I thought not 😄😆😅

I'm only kidding ... I'm always here for them and they know it, they just need to learn to pace themselves and have crisis' that are more staggered and maybe give me slightly more than a ten minute break between having to offer an ear, advice and the voice of reason.

In a nutshell ... and not giving away too much of their personal information ... my younger son now has Covid for the second time (triple jabbed and careful when out and about so no fault of his own) and my eldest is right at the beginning of a split from his partner after it being verbally on and off for a few weeks.

It makes our home life seem very peaceful at the moment, I shouldn't say that should I something is bound to go wrong now!!  Enough of my waffle anyway but I thought I would make an appearance to tell you why there is a lack of appearances this week.

I'm going to write me a menu plan and do something 'normal'.

Sue xx


  1. Just when we think things are going well, something comes along to smack us round the chops! That's the nature of life I guess. Even grown adults (and men, which is not necessarily the same thing ROFL) still need their mums....I've lost count of the number of times in the past couple of years I've thought oh I really wish I could chat to mum, she'd know exactly what to say. It's good to hear from you, Sue.

    1. It's nice to have some time to be on the computer for a while again :-)

  2. Oh, That's tough isn't it? I hope your younger son isn't feeling too unwell with Covid, what bad luck to catch it twice.

    1. He's feeling very unwell today, but he's a trouper and the sort of job he's doing at the moment (from home this week) means he is not under the same sort of pressure as he was until just recently, so he's just about coping.

  3. Life has that annoying habit, doesn't it. That they turn to you says such good things about your relationship with them. Hard though, I agree, and usually there's absolutely nothing one can do except listen. We can't mop it would up, put on a plaster or kiss it better any more.
    Very hard.
    Much love to you. xx

    1. Alan was only saying the other day that things were far too quiet!!

  4. We’re never finished being parents! At least it will all work out in the long term scheme of things...sigh. They just need a hug, even though it’s from a distance!

    1. Hopefully yes, although at the moment my elder son is in that terrible phase of the break up, he has gotten over so many in the past he should be out the other side before long. Unfortunately he gave up a brilliant flat to move in with his girlfriend when her Dad died suddenly and she needed him urgently to help look after a house and four large dogs ... and now he has to make new arrangements.

  5. It's definitely what sons do, we'll mine do. They'd be here in a heartbeat if I needed them though.

    1. Oh yes they would and they have been in the past. It works both ways this family thing doesn't it :-)

  6. These grown up children's problems are like the buses and they come along all at once. We have had quite a few in the past three years and just when you think the coast is clear....wham...another one. Hope your younger boy is not too unwell and the older can sort out his relationship issues.x

    1. Jason my younger son is quite poorly today, and Simon is doing his best, with a little moral support from Mum ... and perhaps a stroke of good luck that has just come his way.

  7. We can never outgrow worrying about our children! No matter how old they are! Hope all works out for them.

    1. The thing is I rarely actually worry, worrying gets you nowhere. I am a more practical kind of Mum ... it's all 'this is what I would do, do if it you want or maybe try this or this'. I rack my brains for solutions, give them options and then leave them to it. They are grown men and old enough and ugly enough to eventually sort their own lives out.

  8. Mum to 3 grown up boys here (oldest is 35 so not really boys!!) and yep, all quiet for ages then suddenly everything's a drama and only mum can sort it out!! My oldest is getting married in May and my youngest is buying his first house with his gf. Plenty of drama here!!

    I'm hearing more and more people getting Covid again. It's very common in schools atm. Hope your son is ok and recovers quickly. Heartache in your adult kids feels more serious than their teenage years for some reason. I hope your oldest is ok too xxx

    1. Gosh you are going to have your hands full!!

      I've been through the whole buying/renting of a house or flat so many times with my two. Covid seems very rife at the moment again, and it seems to be a different variant again. Jason is much more poorly this time than last.

  9. We aren't a family who ring and text all the time. We see each other regularly which is enough. But like you it's always mum that gets the call when stuff is going wrong. Hope your son with covid doesn't get it to badly. And you so veins relationship problems, I hope it can be amicable. X

    1. We aren't really either, Simon will ring for a 'hands-free' chat if he is driving a long distance for work and wants Mum to keep him entertained (I wander round the lodge with my feather duster so I can get something done while we chat) but apart from that and a few Messenger messages off them both that's about it.

      Unfortunately Simon doesn't seem to pick girls who like amicable splits, they always seem to go down the dramatic route.

  10. Hugs for your Jason and Simon. We are mothers all our lives.

    1. Thank you. We are aren't we ... I don't think I'll have any more babies ;-)

  11. So sorry to hear that your son has covid again,it's not fair is it and break ups are all too common and sad ,starting all over again can be hard ,I hope both of your boys soon bounce back. I have three sons, my 42 year old is in the RAF and is on a course at the moment, doing extra training because of the current world situation and off to Iraq in a months time, I do worry about him. I am still full time Mum to my 39 tear old twins, especially one who has drug resistant epilepsy and other health problems,in fact he is currently staying with us as he was poorly and only last night had a seizure in the bathroom ,falling head first into the bath, smashing the bath rack in two with his head,it's always traumatic. The other twin has Aspergers and find's life very challenging and rings constantly for reassurance, we see him most days too. I never thought we would have this situation but it really is ok, the days when they are both well are so precious, we never have holidays but we live in a lovely area but can never be too far away from my son, luckily we have oxygen and emergency meds for when he has seizures which can be life savers, they could not provide an ambulance for over 8 hours, luckily we managed the situation ,using up two oxygen cylinders and staying by him all night so we didn't need the ambulance. Strange times but having family ,whatever the problems, big or small ,is a blessing .Best wishes, keep safe, Chrissie.

    1. My 'problems' with my sons pale into insignificance compared to yours. I didn't realise that your epileptic son was one of twins, I do hope he recovers from this latest set back as quickly as possible.

      Simon, my eldest was in the army and in Iraq during the war so I will understand your concern when your boy is posted there. Simon did a post-war army posting in Kosovo before he went to Iraq, so it was one thing and then another and as a Mum there is absolutely nothing you can do except stay in touch, support their family back home and let them let off steam on the phone when they need to.

      I hope life improves for all your boys soon. xx

    2. Chrissie, I looked for your blog as my son is currently in Iraq (Irbil) after 10 years in Afghanistan, then peace for a couple of years by living an idyllic life in Turkey. Youngest son Peter, fully vaccinated, is just recovering from a nasty Covid experience - an 11 day illness - and hoping he can provide a 2nd negative result tomorrow. It's all go, having kids, innit - and my 3 sons are 57, 46 and 43. Just now waiting for 1st son to get in touch . . . it's bound to happen.

    3. Thank you, there are so many sons ( and daughters ) in situations that they don't want to be in because of this awful conflict, let's hope that they can all be where they want to be soon . x

    4. To Rambler, I don't have a blog but thank you for your comment , I looked at your blog and guess what, I live in Liskeard too !!!!! Small world.

  12. Doesn't matter how old they are they will always be your babies. My 40 year old step-daughter's got vivid after double jabs and booster. I truly believe it will take years to know why some get it and others don't. Hope both boys do well and your oldest has a easy go with the split.

    1. I definintely do not think of them as 'my babies', my Mum still calls me her first baby and I find it cringingly embarrassing especially if we are in a shop!!

      Even calling them my 'boys' is pushing it a bit ... lol.

  13. I am sorry both sons have problems at once, especially a break up of a family. I wish the son with COVID a complete recovery and hope the other a decent split that allows him to keep being a good and available Dad.

    1. There's no children involved in this particular break up, just two adults to sort themselves out.

      He is a brilliant Dad and Grandad to all his children and grandchildren.

    2. Glad to know, tough when kids are in the middle.

  14. There is always something.

  15. We have a daughter like that - when all is quiet we know she's ok, the minute the phone rings and we can see it's her we know something is up. Not just a boy thing! Hope things smooth themselves out for them both very soon.

  16. 42 year old son was recently laughing at himself because he comes to Mum to patch up his small injuries, such as fin or coral cuts, from surfing.

  17. They never stop having a 'direct dial' into your heart, do they. I can tell from the tone in my son's voice exactly what he's ringing about... We're fortunate, he has a good relationship and is financially stable, and has turned out to be an awesome father and partner, but the ups and downs of life still get worked through with us. I do hope the Covid passes quickly, and the pain and messiness of your other son's break up is likewise resolved satisfactorily.


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