Saturday 20 April 2019

A Bed to Oneself

Sometimes it's a relief to get a bed all to yourself ...

... while your sister snoozes with the baby.

Live action from the paddock.

Sue xx


  1. Very cute...Have a lovely weekend.

  2. Busy day yesterday, I didn't get to your blog, but wanted to wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
    Loved today's video, so cute!

  3. I'm loving your little clips of fun.

  4. It is so good to see all of your babies including Jasmine! I did not realize until I saw the picture of Suky and Bella together that their fur is almost exactly the same coloring. I love the video of them all! Are you headed back to the Van this week? I'm looking forward to seeing your plans for the dining area. I hope you, Allen and all the sweet little ones have a wonderful Easter!

  5. Such a sweet picture of Mavis! Great that all the pets are getting along. :-)
    Lesley in Livingston.

  6. Mumbai Escort service ? ? .....must have heard you were living alone in the van now 😃😃😃
    Love the ratbags time 2 off yonder and teeny tiny miss who could easily be mistaken for a mushroom, so lovely that she always has someone to play with and cuddle up to for comfort, puppies can be exhausting.

  7. We don't all want to sleep alone, especially when one nearly lost a partner to a heart attack

  8. So funny to see the lamb chasing the dog! Lol, lol. And I loved the little bunny hops from the puppy - maybe because of all the droppings she has eaten. Funnily enough, my dog has to be pulled away when he's hoovering those droppings up - and there are plenty available on the Moor. Eurgh!!!


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