Thursday 4 April 2019

Enough for Every Eventuality

I've been following The Happy Heart Course for the past few weeks.  

Well I say following ... it's supposed to be a one month plant based and reading information type course, on which you eat three meals of healthy recipes a day and re-educate yourself and your system and come out the other side feeling all tickety boo and full of life.

Well you know me, first I decided to eat all the foods that were in the cupboards that I shouldn't have,  just so I wouldn't eat them during the plan, but of course it carried on into the plan.  Then due to living at two locations intermittently because Alan had to jet down South for work for a whole week I had coursework, recipe books and all the 'right' supplies at the wrong address.  And then to cap it all off I got floored by this cold virus thingy and seemed to lose days out of my life in a fug of tissues, lemsips and daytime naps.

But then I decided to get serious, I needed good food to get me back to health.

 So I wrapped up, chucked the Pug in the car and ventured out for supplies for the food cupboard at the van.  Enough so I at least had all the right foods for the few recipes that I wanted to batch cook ready for the week ahead.

My first little cookathon was going swimmingly well until the instructions said to tip the contents of one pan into the other.  Now at the van I have one milk pan, one small frying pan and one medium sized saucepan, they were all I ever needed ... up to now.

 I was chatting to my eldest son, Simon on the phone while I cooked and he was in stitches at the sound effects, my thinking out loud over what to do and then at the photo above that I shared on Facebook so he could see my dilemma for himself.  His end of the conversation was just as comical for sound effects as he scoured the freezers in his local Asda for a specific type of chicken nuggets that his boys had asked for for their tea ... the beauty of mobile phones eh!! 

Any way remembering my largish stainless steel bowl lurking in the cupboard I came up with the solution and everything was mixed up nicely.

Then the plan was one portion for my tea, one into the fridge and four into the freezer.  I had forgotten to bring any plastic takeaway containers from home!!

This was going well.

Ziplock bags to the rescue ... and flattened out they actually take up a lot less room in the little freezer I have here.

As virtually all the recipes make up similar quantities I decided it would be wise to invest in a stonking great pan to keep life simple.

I went in and out of every charity shop in Garstang ... of which there are lots ... before almost giving up and visiting Dunelm for one that I had seen on their website, it was £40 .. gulp!

Then I remembered the middle aisles of Aldi.

And there it was THE perfect pan, with lid for just £12.99.

In a choice of black or turquoise it just had to be the latter to match up with my mugs and other little touches in the van.

My next batch cook, Potato and Chickpea Korma was a much easier cookathon.

Sometimes having just enough is not quite enough ... you have to have enough for a different eventuality.  But waiting until you know what that eventuality is very important.

Sue xx


  1. I just had to laugh - I reckon however many pots and pans one has, there will be a time when one needs just one more! Is the course online? I must look for it; it sounds very interesting.
    And the Aldi pot was a great find!

    1. Yes the course is online. I did the March edition of the 'Happy Heart Course'. Absolutely brilliant recipes, just larger quantities than I'm used to cooking with 🤣🤣

  2. If you have time would you post the recipes please ?
    They look yum and right up my street .

    1. Here's their website

      Loads of brilliant recipes available, including the ones I've been using 😀

    2. Brilliant ! Thank you .

  3. Where have I been!!! I just decided to pop over to your old blog, which I followed all the time, to see if you'd added anything new and discovered this blog and your challenge blog and what wonderful reads they are. Thank you for sharing your new life with us x

    1. Wherever you've been, you're here now ... welcome. 

      You can read back and have a catch up. I've been here for over a year now, but Van life started 1st March this year, if you just want a bit of a catch up. Challenges will resume soon, but first there's exciting news about to be unleashed... perhaps fate got you here just in time 😀


    2. I've read through both blogs last night and today and thoroughly enjoyed every post. Looking forward to the news x

  4. Some lovely looking grub there. I am about to make a huge pan of soup, as it's snowing. I know what you mean about having sufficient - I have more than and am always being taken to task by my kids,but downsizing my kitchen things is a big ask, even though I will need to have a bit of a cull if this is the year we really DO downsize!

    What was that nice-looking rice dish you made please? A Biryani?

    1. The top one is a Roasted Veg Paella, but yes it was very similar to a Biryani, and the one at the bottom a Potato and Chickpea Korma ... both are delicious.

  5. It all looks really delicious - good wholesome hearty food. I think I could do with following your plan as well if only to feel better from this horrid cold/flu type thing that just will not go away. Reading the above comments sounds like you have some exciting news to share - very intriguing!! Hope you feel better soon.

    1. I really do feel better after eating good food, the only thing is when you're feeling off colour it is oh so easy to grab any easy crap you find in the cupboard. Hence me wanting to rid the cupboards of crap and fill the freezer with instant healthy meals.

      Yes exciting news ... soon I promise :-)

  6. I have recently bought the prevent and reverse heart disease cookbook by jane esselstyn and have been following her on you tube, very interesting and some yummy food, sounds similar to what you are doing. I am of a certain age and rather portly and need to get a grip on things so am trying my best but it's not easy , but having had a stroke and a TIA I must knuckle down. I too have this virus, it's a blooming nuisance as when ill I long for comfort food, usually soup with great hunks of bread or creamy mash with lots of gravy or veggie pasta and garlic bread and of course ice cream for medicinal purposes to sooth a sore throat ! I hope you feel better soon.

    1. Yes, it sounds very similar .... and it sounds like there's quite a few of us with the tail end of this virus. Hope you feel better soon too.

  7. Yum to that healthy food! I am in the same place you are right now! Hugs Annster's Domain

    1. Home in Wales at the moment ... I need a cookathon here too, but at least I have some big pots and pans here :-)

  8. This post really made me laugh, but you got there in the end, hope you've got a space to store your lovely new pan. I am very impressed at you getting down to the peeling, chopping etc., of veggies and cooking, when you are still not fully recovered, but glad that the freshly cooked good stuff has made you feel better already. I agitate round the kitchen like a disturbed dervish trying to make my toast, scramble my eggs and make my tea, to be ready all at the same time, I'm sure my neighbours think I'm having a meltdown, the language isn't pretty! I still never manage to get it all done and ready at the same time, so either toast is going cold, the scramble is over or underdone and the tea is smirking at me - or that's how it feels, I am definitely no kitchen goddess:( However, I might just have a look at that site, if not too difficult or fiddly, I will try it, Gawd 'elp us! Terry

    1. Nope ... not sorted out the biggest cupboard in the van yet, so the lovely pan has been left on the top of the cooker. At least it co-ordinates with everything, I can pretend it's a style statement :-)

  9. Have eaten a lovely dinner but the potato and chickpea korma made me feel hungry all over again. Just the thing for this cold snap and we owe it to ourselves to feel our best, so will check out the recipe, especially as I love to batch cook. I love the future time it saves. By the way I have planted 2 elder trees and a mountain ash so far. Only babies at the moment but blossom and berries for the bees and birds soon I hope - Vera.

    1. I think batch cooking is the way forward for me. Some days I am really in the mood for cooking and others I just can't be bothered ... so it would work well :-)

      Blossom and berries sound good, we should all help the wildlife :-)

  10. Your new pan is a great find and Aldi is good for those. Your food looks divine and I know your news will be interesting. Have a a good day.

    1. The Aldi middle aisles are a dangerous place, especially if Alan is with me ... there are nearly always tools or gadgets there that 'he has to have' ;-)

    2. That happens to me too!


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