Tuesday 23 April 2019

Cutting Grass the Old Fashioned Way

Cutting grass the old fashioned way, with a little push along lawnmower is strangely satisfying.  No electricity was needed in the tidying up of my lawn and there is the added benefit of a mini workout, saving me money on gym membership ...not that I had even considered joining one  πŸ˜†πŸ˜ƒ

Though I did cheat a bit with a quick strim around the edges with our rechargeable cordless strimmer.  The garden was tidied and back to normality within an hour of starting, and that included watering the pots and boxes, and chucking all the bark chippings back on to the corner raised beds ... the blackbirds take great delight in flinging it everywhere in their regular searches for worms and bugs.

I had been about to sit and have a read when I saw the sun gradually creeping into the little garden space, and as I much prefer to work in the cool of the shade plans were quickly swapped around.

So out came the mower.

The Winter Pansies in the first box planter are all having a glorious second flowering, and to think I nearly pulled them out thinking they were dead.

And in my little tin bath the first shoots of garlic are coming through.  I appear to have at least 5 of the 6 garlic cloves I planted looking sturdy and strong in here.  The rest were planted in the box planters in amongst the flowers, spring onions and kale in an effort to hide them from inquisitive birds who love to pull out the early shoots of onions, garlic etc.

And just to show it wasn't all work yesterday, here's your little 'Bella fix' of the day.  My younger son and his girlfriend came round to take me out for coffee and cake at Suky's favourite garden centre just round the corner.  Then we spent a pleasant hour or two drinking coffee and watching a DVD back at the Van.

A lovely way to round off the Easter and birthday weekend.

Sue xx


  1. I'm sorry if this seems a stupid question (I have Great Danes and they are *never* this small!) but what sort of puppy is Bella? She is very cute

    1. She's a long haired Chihuahua πŸ•πŸ’•

  2. That cute little tail. I bet it's really waggy.

    1. Oh yes. You only have to leave the room for a few moments and the welcoming back waggy tail is amazing πŸ•πŸ˜€

  3. I need a rechargable strimmer, has yours got enough Omph for anything bigger than a bit of grass. I've got the gtech rechargable mower which is good so might get the gtech strimmer.

    1. It seems to last ages, and then charges really quickly. It's so much easier and safer than one with an electric cable, and a million times lighter than the petrol one we have at home.

      A Gtech one would be amazing, I love my Gtech vacuums here at the van πŸ™‚

  4. Everything looks wonderful, both garden and Small Person!

    Envy is not attractive, but when you wrote back to normality within an hour of starting I have to confess to a moment or two of green-eyed monster . . . I've been outside since 7.45am today and only made a small dent on the current humungous job which this garden needs.

    Enjoy your Van Week. xx

    1. I much prefer my Smaller Garden 🌼🌻🌺

    2. I felt the same pang, Jayne. :-)

    3. Thanks Joy, it helps to know I am not alone :-)

  5. One of our neighbours has a push along mower and I love the sound of it!! Thanks for the 'Bella fix' too :)

    1. So much better than the whine and hum of an electric mower 😁

  6. Bella looks as adorable as ever! She seems to be a really happy girl. I remember when I was young we had a push mower and it worked great. How wonderful to have a yard you can complete so quickly!

    1. She's a happy little thing, everything is an enormous adventure for her at the moment. I love finishing so quickly, even when the veggies go in it won't take much effort πŸ™‚

  7. Bella is so cute! Your smaller garden looks lovely, too.

    1. Oh she is, she's winning over a lot of hearts ♥️

  8. Your smaller garden must seem a breeze after the one in you had before.

    God bless.

    1. Yes it is, chatting on the phone with Alan made me feel a bit guilty as he was just about to cut the grass around the house with the petrol mower, which takes a good hour or so. Then there's the grass near the trees, the grass near the veggie patch etc etc. At least he's got Ethel and Jasmine to keep the orchard and paddock under control πŸ™‚


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