Sunday 7 April 2019

Core Ingredients - Spanish Roasted Veg Paella

The recipes I picked up on my 'Happy Heart Course' have been a revelation.  Tasty, filling and easy to batch cook for days ahead.  They have also reinforced something ... that a larder filled with a core of good ingredients can turn it's hand to numerous dishes, that although containing very similar ingredients, with the addition of various spices and herbs come out tasting deliciously different.

And with this in mind I am in the process of whittling down what I keep in my cupboards both here in Wales and at the Van to bulk purchases of the ingredients that I need to make any of the 100 recipes that come with the course, and the additional ones that can be found in any of The Happy Pear's three cookbooks.

And it's proving that buying this way is very cost effective.  My trolley seemed really full the other day with 10 tins each of chickpeas, lentils, chopped tomatoes, butter beans and coconut milk along with the fresh tomatoes, aubergines and courgettes but the cost at the checkout made me look up with surprise.

Book One

Book Two

Book Three

I have all three books unfortunately, they are at the Van at the moment, so I downloaded these photos to show you from Amazon where the books are available for around £12 or less at the moment.   The brothers also have a website HERE that has most of their recipes available for free and a brilliant YouTube channel where you can see them in action making lots of them.  It makes for very addictive watching ... Yo Dudes!!

You'll see what that was about ...

... here  :-)  

In the meantime I'll share a few of the recipes I make as I make them each day or so, with a photo of the cooking or finished dish, and the recipe from my coursework folder.
(You can make the photo bigger to be able to read it if you're on a desk top computer by clicking on the photo.)

Tonight's evening meal is going to be this Veg Paella, with a side of two large Prawn Fishcakes for Alan.  He loves these meals too but enjoys a little bit of meat or fish to go with most of them.  This is the second time I have made this and it gives six good sized portions, so one each for us tonight and four for the freezer.  At this rate soon I will have lovely homemade ready meals at both locations ready for lazy sunny Summer days and busy times ahead.

Sue xx


  1. I've never heard of the The Happy Pear before, but I'll definitely be having a look at those books now. Those recipes look delicious. X

  2. I've contemplated doing one of Steve and Dave's courses. They both seem very genuine and the recipes I've tried of theirs have all been tasty and usually quick and easy. Thanks for sharing the info Sue.

  3. I'll have to have a go at that, we love paella. Such a good idea to have tins of beans, pulses, tomatoes etc in the cupboard, always a meal in the making then. We're eating a lot less meat now we're following the Mediterranean way of eating.

  4. Thanks for sharing, looks delicious!! Will be on the menu this week. Cause I am a blindty, I looked for their recipe on the internet Strangely enough they have different ingredients there. EG no leek, no maple syrup. So the recipe in their book is different then theirs on the internet. Odd isn it. Oh well maybe it is like my cooking, it is never the same twice ;-)

    1. It could just be that the recipe has been changed slightly for a course they have run. In the case of the course I have just completed 'The Happy Heart Course', all the recipes were tweaked to have no oil and in some cases slightly different ingredients to keep the flavour similar in the finished dish.

  5. Thank you for the link to the website - I'll be checking out a couple of those recipes!

  6. Thank for the website link - some great recipes on there which I will trying, some this week on the menu plan. Helen S.

  7. YUM! Going to have to try that Paella! We usually go with Indian or Mexican recipes for our veggie choices .. this looks like a nice addition. Definitely not vegan but we like to cut costs by doing a few meals a week with no meat or dairy.

  8. I'm enjoying your 'smaller life' Sue and hoping that you'll treat us to another of your challenges soon!

  9. Yummy. I am going to check out their website. Thanks for sharing.

    God bless.

  10. Looks yum! I am always looking for good recipes that use veg for meat-free meals.


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