Thursday 16 July 2020

Snippets of Van Life

I bought some Stocks from Aldi for the jug on the mantlepiece, and a little Peace Lily for £2.99 in a ceramic pot.   I just couldn't resist, the Stocks matched Amira's little Babygro in the photograph and the greenery just had to be had.

Some days Suky just decides it's time to go back to bed, not just her little living room bed but her night time bedroom bed.  She has so many beds, so much choice, so many naps.  

Oh to be a Pug.

Washing dripping dry over the lavender in my little garden.

The bees buzz around and I feel guilty disturbing them while I peg my things out, but they soon return, the deliciously scent of the Lavender pulling them back the minute I step away.

Spices in the kitchen.

I need to sort out the main food cupboard today.  I keep putting it off thinking the longer I leave it the less there will be to sort through, tidy up and put back ... but then I go shopping and my little plan is foiled.

Me, just me ... and not in stripes!!

Sue xx


  1. Hi Sue, what a lovely blog!

    I just stumbled across you a few minutes ago and Now I'm off to read through your posts, Caravan life appeals to me as I can see that you'd be less likely to accumulate clutter! I'm the same when it comes to shopping though, have all good intentions of using up what I've got and then buy more.

  2. Hello! I've been enjoying your blog for a while and thought it was about time I left a comment.
    I love how your stocks match lovely Amira's outfit and Suky is so adorable.
    Your top looks great. xxx

    1. Aww .. . thanks Vix.

      I've followed you for a while, but it was only recently I realised I hadn't pressed the 'Follow' button, that was remedied the other day. Gorgeous photos on your latest blog post by the way, the shed with the Weeping Willow in the background had me mesmerised.

  3. I'm beginning to feel a bit like a pug myself these days - gained the Pandemic 15 and with it hitting close to 40C these days I tend to nap a bit too!

    Just curious - in case of a second wave of Covid-19 will you stock up a bit at the caravan or will you do that at the house you will winter in once your current home is sold? Even though I keep things tidy and constantly de-clutter even more, I like to keep a well stocked pantry.

    1. I cannot for the life of me imagine living in that kind of heat, I leave the polytunnel fast when it reaches the high thirties looking like a limp wrung out dishcloth, fit for nothing but collapse ... so to live in it WOW!! I do hope you have good air con.

      I guess if there was a second wave the park might have to shut again, and although I have one of the flats booked for the 'closed season' I don't know if they would let me stay in it if the park closed for Covid-19 reasons. I would have to check. I don't have any other house to Winter in at the moment, I'm buying nothing until I have the cash in the bank from the sale of the Welsh house and we have a tenant in the flat that we are loathe to evict when he's been so good.

      I do have a good larder of food back in Wales, but I seem to have lost my 'Brexit Box' ... I knew I would, lol !!

      Once I start the clear out of the cupboards I'll photograph the food here, there is rather a lot.

  4. I’m always in stripes. Can’t help it, I love them.

    1. I love them too, sometimes my long washing lines is very amusing in it's stripey-ness :-)

  5. Replies
    1. They were gorgeous when I first brought them home, but I think I have gotten used to the scent now so it's worn off a bit. My Mum loves the scent of Sweet Pea flowers, but I haven't grown them this year so I can't take her any.

  6. Out of 'uniform' I too am usually to be found in stripes. Let's hope your Welsh house gets sold quickly.

    1. No sign of a buyer yet :-(

      Our agent says the market in the area is just picking up with houses under £300,000 being the favourite at the moment ... which is of little consolation to us!!

  7. The flowers and plants in Aldi are just such good value aren't they and they reduce them when they still look fresh, I have had bunches reduced to 59p that have lasted for a week at home.

    I always used to be in greens, but just lately blues seem to have taken over my life. My blue stripey t-shirt, drying on the hanger, was from a charity shop last year off the 99p rail. I had seen it on the normal rails for £3.99 and had resisted as it seemed a bit bobbly, but for 99p I took it home and washed it and it was just fine.

  8. A symbiotic relationship of dripping washing on the lavender and the scent of lavender on your clothes - maybe?

    1. I always use lavender scented fabric conditioner, so I can't tell where one ends and the other begins :-)

  9. I bought an alstroemeria in Lidl a while ago, it cost £8.99 half the price everywhere else. I don't know what happened but I thought I'd killed it. I chopped it down and nurtured it and its sprung back to life. I'm pleased as I've always wanted one. Lidl and Aldi have great flowers a d plants, it's a lively pink you chose, you probably had Amiras photo etched in your memory when you picked them. Great photo of yourself. Looking good in a non stripe print. Tx

    1. Yes, as soon as I saw the delicate pink flowers I knew they would be perfect for the jug. This is my flower of choice for the Van, they just seem so spring-like.

  10. That's a lovely photo of you, Sue, I love your top. Amira is absolutely gorgeous and I bet you can't wait for a cuddle. Lovely flowers too.

    1. I've not had a cuddle since Christmas when she was just under a month old. Lots of photos and gurgling over the phone, but no cuddles. Sadly my Mum hasn't even met her first great-granddaughter yet, but this is soon to be remedied :-)

  11. Oh so nice photos my best wishes and blessings to you

  12. What a lovely post! I always enjoy seeing what you are doing around your place and of course any pictures of beautiful you and lovely Suky are fantastic! Enjoy your day and evening!

    1. Thank you, it is a bit of a 'bitty' post ... but that was what I was in the mood for :-)

  13. I've pinched two of your books! Both are on my coffee table by the side of the comfy armchair - I'm currently reading (and thoroughly enjoying) "The Hidden Cottage. It's different to what I expected but nevertheless very enjoyable. The 2nd of your books that I now have is "My Cool Caravan", one that I can browse all the photographs and dream. I lived in a large touring caravan for 5 years, on the edge of a touring caravan park (privately owned) so I was able to be a permanent resident apart from my frequent absences when I took my little tourer away for holidays in between my workdays. Loved that life and really miss it, so the book is my caravan porn! Thank you!

    1. My Cool Caravan is a lovely book isn't it, one of my favourites for pouring over the photos of while I'm sat on the decking with a glass of wine. I would love a unique little Van, but would keep it stationery somewhere as I doubt my Fiat 500 could cope with towing anything larger than a dog kennel ;-)

      I've not read The Hidden Cottage yet, but it's by my bed ready for it's turn.

  14. Looking good Sue.

    God bless.

  15. Wonderful post Sue, it's lovely to see you, Suki and of course gorgeous Amira♥


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