Wednesday, 11 November 2020

Cooking Again ... and Peanut Butter Treats


I'm getting back into cooking again.  Having no oven and no microwave really threw me for a while, but now I have both and it feels like some sort of normality has resumed.

I celebrated in a minor way with 'an almost Sunday dinner' this week.  Sausages, stuffing patties, boiled potatoes and peas.  It would have been perfect with a bit of onion gravy but I realised too late that I didn't have any and with the food ready there was no time to whip some up from scratch, so I made up a Knorr Stock Pot thingy that I found in the cupboard and that did the job well enough.

Very tasty ... just missing some Bisto or onion gravy.

I purposefully cooked some extra potatoes and snaffled a bit of each of the other parts of my meal with a pasty in mind for today's lunch, but I do need to downscale my cooking from now on.  My teeny, tiny fridge and freezer don't hold that much and too many leftovers will just put pressure on them ... and on me to use things up.

Oh, and I think I've got Suky as addicted to peanut butter as me, she loves these new chews in her doggy treats tin and she's beginning to recognise the smell of peanut butter when I have it on toast or when I eat one of these gorgeous Deliciously Ella Oat Bars.  We've both had one of our treats virtually every day this week, and very tasty they are too, well I can only really vouch for mine ... but Suky seems happy enough.   ðŸ˜ƒ

Sue xx


  1. The dinner looks delicious! Are the Linda McCartney sausages nice? I've just bought some to try, the unworthy motive being that they are 'free' on Slimming World.

    1. The Rosemary and Red Onion ones are nice, and the Lincolnshire style ones are more like meat sausages and very tasty. The trick is to not overcook them. Follow the instructions on the box carefully. Overcooked they become very dry and unpleasant.

    2. We cook the rosemary and red onion sausages in onion gravy and this helps to keep them from drying out. I think they are much better with gravy than on their own. I really like them.
      Best wishes

    3. Yes, that's a good way to do them, or cook them just long enough and then have them on a bun that is slathered with tomato ketchup ... YUM!!

  2. *haha* Sounds like Suky & "Mom" are happy indeed!! Your meal looks absolutely delicious, Sue. ~Andrea xoxo

  3. Happy days! I've re-discovered peanut butter myself. Have a good day.

    1. Oh, it's gorgeous stuff, straight out of the jar with a spoon, or tucked into a Medjool date 😃

  4. *tries to imagine life without an oven*

    *gives up*

    Sometimes it's just very pleasant to prepare a nice meal and putter around a kitchen for a day.

    1. Ditto Debby and she made me laugh.

    2. When I left my first husband I managed to feed me and my fifteen year old son for two years with just a basic microwave. We survived ... just 😂🤣

  5. Your meal looks lovely, Sue, Linda McC sausages are my favourite too. I eat them in a gravy meal or on a hot dog roll with fried onions and tomato sauce :) I can't imagine life without an oven either....very difficult.

    BTW your comment on my blog regarding Alan offering to cut your hair was priceless! It had me laughing out loud ;)
    Stay well x

    1. Ooh yes with fried onions, delicious 😃

      I meant every word of the hair cutting comment 🤣🤣

  6. Cauldron sausages are my favourite. I've never tried gravy.Jon has vegetarian gravy but I can't bring myself to try it, I'll forever associate it with people trying to force feed me meat dinners at school as us vegetarians were a rarity in the 1970s!
    I love peanut butter! x

    1. I don't like the Cauldron sausages at all. How do you live without Bisto, when I found out that red Bisto was vegan I was SO happy 😄

  7. Our dog loves peanut butter, too. The only time he crawls out of bed is when DH has his morning bagel with PB, then he instantly shows up for a quick lick.

    1. It's supposed to be really good for them in moderation 🙂

  8. You can't beat a roast whether it's a mock or real. I love all the different flavours. I'm pleased you're settling in.

    1. It's the sage and onion stuffing that makes a good roast dinner in my opinion 😃

  9. I managed for about 12 months, in the 80s, with just a very basic microwave and a small deep fat fryer. It makes you quite inventive! Glad you and Suky are enjoying your peanut butter treats :)

    1. It's really manageable once you get your head around things isn't it. 🙂


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