Wednesday 18 November 2020

Take time ...


Remember this today.

I remembered it yesterday when I sat down to watch a two and a half hour long film in the middle of the day.  I felt so rested and relaxed afterwards.  I treated it as a cinema afternoon and halfway through the film had my own 'intermission' with coffee being made and a chocolate bar being dug from the recesses of my tiny fridge.

Suky appreciated Mum sitting still in one space and she relaxed into the deepest of afternoon naps by my side.  Not even the rustling of the chocolate wrapper pulling her out of her slumber!!

We should never be measured by our productivity, we should be measured by our capacity to be all that we can be, when we can be it.  If today is a day when the capacity is low do not beat yourself by setting your bar too high.  

Set it low and rejoice when you get anywhere near the finishing line.

What film did I watch?  

I watched Angela's Ashes and it was a brilliant blast from the past, it's a film I've loved for years but not seen for years either.  

I'm just glad it wasn't raining outside yesterday because there was one hell of a lot of rain in the film!!

Sue xx


  1. I have wanted to watch this film for ages but have never got around to it. I take it that you recommend this and I must make time to watch it some time soon.

    1. Yes I highly recommend it, I do have the DVD somewhere but I sat and watched it on Netflix yesterday. It's a long film but well worth the investment in time.

  2. Hmm, raining here, again, but then it IS Wales after all! I could do with some me time after another morning at the pit-face of Sorting Out Stuff. Now I am torn between keeping some 1970s recipes my mum copied out from a magazine (but I doubt EVER made). If it wasn't HER writing I could ditch them no problem, but emotion gets in the way.

    1. I feel for you there, it is hard isn't it. Sometimes I come across things in my Dad's handwriting and it brings me up short. Perhaps a little break and a short film will invigorate you and get you moving faster when you do go back to the pit-face :-)

  3. I've watched the film but found it didn't have the humour that the book had. Have you read it? I would highly recommend it.

    1. Yes, I read the book after watching the film when it first came out, I remember it being a really good read.

  4. When my boys were young we would sometimes have a cinema afternoon. the curtains would be pulled, soft lighting and I put holes in a shoe box and tied it with string , sweets in the box so I was the usherette at interval time. One film we watched was Arachnophobia, being a kind and loving mum, just as hundreds of spiders descended I went behind the sofa and lobbed the green end of a tomato over the top !!! Resembling a spider, there was bedlam , one son was running around the room with wide eyes, screaming, the horror was short lived and followed with laughter, we often speak of it. We still have movie nights, but I am not allowed to play any more, I can't think why. !!!

    1. Haha ... oh you cruel Mum, although it actually sounds like something I would do though. It's memories like that that go down in family folk-lore isn't it :-)

      But I hated that film it's just too bloody stressful for me, I'll never watch that one again!!

    2. It really is my worst nightmare. A few weeks ago, I pulled the bedroom curtains over and unbeknown to me a spider of significant size fell on my head, it started to crawl down my face. I felt something and brushed it off, when it landed on the floor I screamed so loud that my husband came running,by then I had trodden on it and was having a panic attack and was white as a sheet,husband saw the squashed spider and said,awww, shame,What about me, nothing other than ,that was a big one wasn't it!Grrrrr.

    3. Sorry, it says unknown but it's Chrissie replying to your reply!

  5. Watching a movie in the middle of the afternoon sounds like a very "simple life" thing to do, kiddo.... and that, after all, is the goal. So glad you enjoyed. Do it again sometime soon. :-) ~Andrea xoxo

  6. I love Angela's Ashes it so reminds me of the streets around Liverpool when I was around 4 years old. It's a hard storyline but true to life. I've sat watching a movie after lunch a few times this week.

  7. Both the book and film made me cry...

  8. I loved the book but it was tough going and I never did manage the film all the way through. I had an aunt by marriage who had grown up in Donegal and I know that her life was almost as grim growing up - at least until her dad found work in Edinburgh and brought the family over there. I think it should be mandatory reading for some who "cry poor" these days - and it is truly shocking that it wasn't all that long ago.

  9. I needed this reminder
    Thank you.

  10. I totally agree with what you said, thanks for saying it.

  11. A good post for me to read Sue - so thanks for it. I am out of hospital and learning to walk again after my broken hip

    1. It's brilliant to see you little picture appearing on comments on blogs all over Blogger again Pat. I hope you continue to recover well, welcome home. xx

  12. There's a lot to be said for quiet times. Too often I feel guilty if I'm not 'doing' something productive. Time to ourselves is very restorative and we should all take time for ourselves, thanks for the reminder Sue.

  13. A friend said to me the other day that we're human beings and not human doings and there's nothing wrong in just enjoying being alive rather than constantly trying to achieve something.
    Your afternoon sounds idyllic with Suzy snuggled at your side. I enjoyed the film of Angela's Ashes as much as I did reading the book, Robert Carlyle helped! x

  14. Lovely way to spend a day.

    God bless.

  15. Sounds like you had a very productive self care day! I was discussing with a friend the need to be productive even on low energy days. We came up with the idea of calling those low energy days "highly productive self care days".


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