Monday 30 November 2020

Remember Who You Were

This year has been a good one for bogging us down in rules and regulations

Tying our hands with what we can and can't do 

That most of us can't even see

But yet have to believe in


It can sap your spirit

But not your soul

Remember who you were

And what was ahead

Remember when we didn't know what lay ahead

And it didn't worry us

When we didn't even think past the next few hours

And yet lived for each day

We are all still in us

And we know deep down there is much promise ahead

But for now it's time to hibernate methinks

Be nice to ourselves and ride the year out quietly

Safely and softly


  1. Lovely photographs. It really has been a strange year, we have dealt with it in our own way, we decided from the start to do our own thing, keep ourselves to ourselves,stick to what is important and look forward to when we feel we want to join in with the rest of the world. With so much conflicting information and advice we decide to trust ourselves instead, we haven't ignored everything we have heard or read but assessed and made our own choices. I must admit to losing myself a bit but the important bit of me is still here, after all if I wasn't who would cook, clean and make sure the men have clean underwear every day :).x

    1. And you should never underestimate the power of clean underwear 😀

  2. Good plan on the age thing - must remember that next year!

  3. I love the photos Sue 🙂 The little girl in me seemed to disappear completely this year so hibernation is a jolly good idea. We can all awake refreshed in Spring (with any luck) and get back to what makes us happy. I refuse to read all the negative stuff out there in blogland and that's one of the reasons I love reading your blog, its always refreshing and pleasant to read. Thank you for that 😘 Please keep doing what you're doing! Oh...and its great that we don't have to include 2020 in our ages 🤣😂

    1. Haha, we do really ... unfortunately 😄.

      There have been a lot of bloggers really dragged down this year. It sometimes seems like the ability to get your thoughts down in black and white can be either a good thing or else just serve to highlight how low you are feeling. Much love to anyone who is affected this way, it's very very hard. 🤗💕

  4. Perfect sentiments for these strange times, thank you

  5. Thank you for your lovely post Sue. It's cheered me up. Living in the moment more will be one of my goals for 2021, that and having more fun.

    1. Oh that sounds like brilliant forward planning. 😀

  6. Lovely post Sue. It really has been a bazaar year that no one could have predicted. Love the photographs and totally agree with you. I keep trying to remind myself that underneath I am me and I can be again, despite having to think of everybody else. Perhaps its time to be a little bit selfish!

    1. Sometimes being a little bit selfish ... or even a lot ... can invigorate you enough to be able to deal with all the twallops again 😄

  7. You have summed up my thoughts. I appreciate you. Thanks. Now , to be the old , new me!

  8. I forgot to say ...what a cute little girl and outfit.

    1. I've always had a slightly off-beat style of my own 😄

  9. No, I don't remember. Seems so long ago.

    1. Nope, she's there. You are simply protecting the most valuable part of yourself while you ride this wave. Give your self time ... and love, lots and lots of love. 🤗🤗🤗

  10. How lovely, Sue. Yes. We are all there just waiting to be remembered.

    1. And the most important thing is to remember ourselves. We should all take centre stage in our own lives regularly. ♥️

  11. I didn't want to make this a public post, but your comment on Going Gently moved me. I remember when my marriage blew up. I do mean blew up. In the matter of days, it was irrevocably over, I had three children and a husband charged with a very serious crime. For 10 years I had struggled to make things work, not being good enough, not being pretty enough, not being desirable. In the end, he was the person who was not good, and ugly in a way that I will never understand. I came back to where my family was. It was shock, really, just a shock that I didn't get over for sometime, but I remember sitting on my sister's steps and staring up at the moon trying to figure out what it was I should feel...and without warning, it came to me clearly: I felt relief. Just pure relief.

    1. It really is a soul cleansing moment isn't it. 🤗💖

  12. You look really good with dark hair!

    1. Thank you, it's dark again at the moment. I'm doing my regular'back to nature' to check for grey hairs. Or maybe it's just me being too lazy to find a box of dye 🤣😃.

      (There are still only a few grey's ... they've got to catch up with me one day!!)

  13. It's been different this year, for sure, but I keep coming back to the thought that however many changes there might be, however many 'restrictions', we are very much better off than an awful lot of our world brothers and sisters. We might have to stay indoors but we have an indoors to stay in.
    Safely and softly sounds great to me, and the pictures are lovely. Thank you.

    1. We are so lucky compared to many, many people. I think it's good that we take time to remember that as often as we can. ♥️

  14. Sue, I had to laugh when I read Chrissie's comment. We just got our washer and dryer from the movers after going without them for over a month. We didn't want to go to a laundromat because of covid so we have piles of dirty clothes and we are thankful that we had enough clothes to make it through that time, just doing some handwashing. We moved from Virginia to Florida and we are also thankful to be in the sunshine and have all of our things with us. I love this post. It's always a good thing to look back and remember who you are/were. Thank you for reminding us to do that.

    1. Gosh I bet you have just had a real 'wash-a-thon'. It does make us appreciate our gadgets, be they large or small, when we have to go without them for a while doesn't it. Yes, with clean underwear we can conquer the world ;-)

  15. Ah yes, I didn't celebrate my birthday this year so it doesn't count. Lovely photograph of you on the prom. Where was it taken? X

    1. Oooh ... so you can have TWO birthdays in 2021 to catch up :-)

      I think the photo was taken in North Wales on a family holiday. If Mum sees this she will know.

  16. It has been a strange year with I think more strangeness to come.

    God bless.


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