Thursday 30 December 2021



Betwixtmas, as I have recently christened it ... is that strange time between the festivities of Christmas and the start of the New Year.

The urge to un-decorate is great and the need to see space, clean, clear surfaces means that surreptitiously without sometimes even realising it things are removed and packed away.  My one Christmassy area left is the top of the radiator cover, and with the fairy lights twinkling away still connected to the Alexa smart-plug it means that they come on first thing in the morning and go off last thing at night.

I will miss them when they go away tomorrow, but they are going away.  Then I will re-oil the wooden top and during the twenty four hours of bareness while it soaks in, I will ponder what will sit there for the next few months.  I don't like to chop and change for changes sake like I used many moons ago, I like to arrange a vignette of useful and beautiful things that make my eyes happy and my heart sing.

And a brand New Year seems like a good time to make your heart sing doesn't it.

This morning I cleared and cleaned one of the window sills in the living room.

The I got it back to how it used to be, with a couple of little additional extras.

One more area cleared and cleaned and one more little step back to normality.

This afternoon I will be raiding the Lodge for my various little money boxes, tipping out the old enamel teapot, emptying my purse and seeing what cash I have for next years Challenge.  I know it will be in the hundreds as all through the year whenever I have used a 'hole in the wall' to get at my wages, I have quickly squirrelled away at least a quarter of the money taken out for emergency use.  And as I have been pretty much unable to get to the charity shops and have therefore avoided the temptation to spend, there has been no need to dip into these savings.

Whatever I have will be divided into a weekly or monthly amount and be my only shopping money for next year.  Not being able to shop and bring things into the Lodge seems like something to really look forward too after the excesses and treats of the Christmas season.

What are you up to during the last hours of 2021?  Are you making plans and resolutions ... or simply breathing a sigh of relief at the prospect of a brand new year about to start.  Either way let's hope for all of us it is a good one.

Sue xx  🎄


  1. I am looking forward to a new year and perhaps some normality returning.
    We went past your old house yesterday going down the Conwy Valley.It is grey now.Was it blue when you had it?It is a really lovely property and in an amazing location.You must miss it.
    Looking forward to reading about new challenges.

    1. No it was a deep slate grey, recently repainted but in the same colour just before we put it on the market. When we originally bought it it was a yellowy cream colour.

      I miss the views dreadfully and our proximity to the sea, but as our plans changed so drastically we could not keep it.

  2. With my electricity bill shooting up from £49 a month to £115, I shall have my OWN challenges here. How to live on much much less as pensions can't be stretched. I foresee regular Ebay listings for starters, trying to rehome some of my many books, plus older "less fashionable" items from Fair stock.

    Like you, I wrote of "surreptiously" hiding away Christmas . . . Were it not for my daughter, the tree would be down and outside too, but I have to leave it another day . . .

    New Year's Resolution - to get on top of the plans for the garden. I started with clearing leaves from the yard today - still LOTS to do there though, plus clearing weeds from the cobbles.

    1. Wow, that is some increase isn't it!! Things are going to be tight for a lot of folk over the next year as we acclimatise to all these increases and find ways to cope with them.

  3. Was thinking the fairy lights might be useful to keep up at least through the winter. A little extra light source for dreary days. But you know what works best for you. Since I hardly did any Christmas decorating this year, I've almost nothing to take down other than cards and a few other bits.

    Will be quiet NYE plans (never one to party in the first place) and I'm content with reading and generally just pottering around. Already set up my bullet journal and only need to fine tune my 2022 excel spreadsheet(s). My own design that I've used for years--multiple pages--serves as the keeper of everything from check registers (for different accounts), budgeting guide, spending analysis and regularly updated investment information. I set up the check register on individual page(s) for the entire year entering all regular income, pensions, interest, etc. in the appropriate months, along with all the regular debits (e.g. mortgage, insurance, etc. - the things that are monthly and some things that only occur on a quarterly or annual basis). It gives me a sense of what income will be available at any given time. Very helpful for short and long range planning. Regularly saved to an external hard drive.

    1. Unfortunately I don't really have enough electrical outlets to be able to keep the lights out all year , I have spent Christmas with the wire draped virtually over my shoulder on the sofa. 😀🤣

      It does sound as though you are very well organised. ❤️

  4. I love the word Betwixtmas! I may have to adopt and use it too. What a perfect way tp decribe these few days between Christmas and New Years.


    1. They are a strange but relaxing few days aren't they. And actually knowing what day we are on has been quite a struggle this year. 😀

  5. Our tree and (few) decorations were packed away yesterday. I like that little drawer set on the windowsill. Looking forward to reading all about your Challenge for next year!

    1. I've had it for years, the top drawer holds what bits of jewellery I own and the bottom two are my 'sewing box'. ❤️

  6. Singing hearts sounds just about perfect Sue. I have many new ideas for 2022, but in a nut shell I intend to squeeze every last bit of joy out of life. More fun, more crafting, more interaction with nature, travel, more community, new skills, spending and wasting less. Joy, joy, joy. Happy New Year to you.

    1. That sounds like a brilliant plan. Happy New Year to you too. 💖

  7. I love the term "Betwixtmas"! It suits this time well. You have good plans for the new year. We didn’t have the best December due to health and other reasons. I'm looking forward to January and getting back to normal.

    1. I hope things improve for you in the New Year. ❤️

  8. I've really enjoyed this strange period this year and have been planning for the future with gusto! Most of my decorations are down as I needed my son to help put them away and I'm really liking the clean clear spaces left behind. I shall resist the temptation to refill them!!

    1. I've enjoyed this week too, it's just been so hard to remember what day it is. 😀🤣

  9. The cards are now down and the lights will follow tomorrow. I don't stay up to see the new year in so it will be bed around 11pm as usual and wake up in a new year.
    The budget has been reviewed for 2022 and a January challenge decided. I can't wait for new year to begin. I am tidy and ready! Hopefully 2022 will be better for all of us. Happy New year Sue, I hope it will be a much better year for you too 🤗

    1. I don't usually stay up to see the New Year in either, I always think it's nice to greet the New Year feeling refreshed and raring to go. All the very best to you and your family. Xx

  10. I will be pulling out fabric, yarn and the rug I will be working on for my projects next month. I love seeing those stashes slowly going down. I will also be doing the last grocery shop of the year, and finding out how our budget went for the year. Keeping my fingers crossed that it will be well under once again.

    God bless.

    1. It's nice to have new or half finished projects ready to tackle again isn't it. Hope your budget worked out well. 😀

  11. Happy New Year to you, your family including the four legged ones and your readers and hoping 2022 will be a better year for everyone. x

    1. Thank you Carol. All the very best to you too. 💖

  12. I'm keeping most things up until Twelfth Night but I do know what you mean about clean and clear surfaces. It is win win - I like the lights, etc, and I like the clearer things too.

    Enjoy all those lovely plans for the new year - planning is at least half of the fun for me.

    1. I am finding that I am really missing the lights already, it seems really gloomy here all of a sudden. It is nice to see clean, clear surfaces again though.

  13. I'm putting my house to rights too. I'm ready. I'm taking a batch of clothing to the goodwill store later today. I've never paired the need to simplify with the excessed of the holiday, but that well might be it. After all the merry making of Christmas, the introvert's heart longs for order and routine. In that light, it makes sense, doesn't it?

    1. It really does make sense, and you are not the only one. When I managed charity shops (like your goodwill) we used to be inundated with donations in the couple of weeks after Christmas, not that we ever complained :-)

  14. Everything related to Christmas goes away tomorrow. I will miss the bright twinkly lights but have decided to buy some to stay up all year on the top of my large shelf unit thing. Shall choose some non Christmas lights.
    I don't particularly like new years eve, never have, so to me it's just another Friday night.
    Happy New Year to you, wishing you love, light and happiness. Carole.

    1. It seemed a bit flat last night true, I was going to go to bed early but then dozed off after tea and got a second wind. So I just about managed to stay awake to see the fireworks and light shows on the television. Happy New Year. xx

  15. Just dropping by quickly to wish you a Happy New Year.x

    1. And a very Happy New Year to you too Viv. I hope it's a good one for you. xx

  16. Happy New Year Sue, Alan and fur babies:) I miss the wide window sills we had in the UK, in our tiny house they are 3 inches wide:( Looking forward to your new challenge for 2022. Happy New Year also to all your blog readers, I do so hope it's a better year for all♥ xoxo

    1. Mine are only about six inches wide ... but it's that extra three that makes all the difference ;-)

      Happy New Year to you too, and yes, I really hope it's a better one for us all.


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