Monday 13 December 2021

Blogmas - Advent Day 13


I've not got much tinsel draped about the place this year, but the bits I do have twinkle nicely at me as the light changes over the course of the day.  

I decorated some of Alan's house for him while he was away at work last week as a surprise for when he got home.  He loved it.  Today he is going to take all the rest of the tinsel from our one large box of Christmas decorations and do a bit of draping for himself.  I dread to think what it will look like but I'll smile, un-grit my teeth and tell him what a wonderful job he's made of it. 🤣😊

No socks to show you today as the twelve days of sockmas are over, so instead of showing you a pair I'm wearing them.  The Aldi Beauty calendar keeps on giving in the traditional way and day 13 has presented me with a 'Dewy Lip Balm'.

Sue xx 🎄


  1. The 12 days of Sockmas was quite fun. I hope you enjoy them all and your beauty cream and have a less problematic New Year with your back. You have survived a lot this year, hats off to you!

    1. Yes, I am very happy with my new sock collection. At first I was perplexed that I only got 12 days worth, but now I see them stacked up, I realise that's more than enough. 😀🤣

  2. One thing I don't have much of over Christmas is tinsel. I think it just feels a bit messy to me and confuses the eye.

    I did enjoy your socks, such a fun way to enjoy the month.

    (Did you see the photo of the Santa Hat I posed for you?)

    1. I hadn't ... rectified now though, thanks for that, I don't know why I missed that particular post!! I did mean a photo of you wearing it, but Santa is doing a good job :-)

  3. I suppose, if you think about it, you should have got 1 sock a day, which would have led up nicely to Christmas Eve... :-)

    1. Haha, it would have been fun to play 'pairs' as each sock appeared!!

  4. Loved the 12 days of Sockmas.

    God bless.


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